Components Rendered in Inline Frames
Components that are rendered in inline frames can be specified in Oracle Content Management pages by registering and adding components from external servers (referred to as remote components), and also by selecting the inline frame option when creating a local component. This type of component can extend functionality for sites, such as adding a social component or a check-out cart component.
For a remote component, you must specify the endpoint URL. For a local component rendered in an inline frame, the URLs are derived from the name of the component in the Component Catalog.
Endpoint URL: The content of the widget is fetched from this URL and embedded within an inline frame.
Settings URL: This URL is rendered in an inline frame to configure the component once it is dropped onto a page.
The component can render static or dynamic data visualizations and display a form or other interactive user interface that extends site functionality. See Render Component Settings.
Components Provided by Oracle Content Management
A set of components that are rendered in inline frames is provided with Oracle Content Management.
Name | Type | Id |
Folder List |
scs-app |
Folder List |
File List |
scs-app |
File List |
Documents Manager |
scs-app |
Documents Manager |
Facebook Like |
scs-app |
Facebook Like |
Twitter Follow |
scs-app |
Twitter Follow |
Twitter Share |
scs-app |
Twitter Share |
Facebook Recommend |
scs-app |
Facebook Recommend |
Component Registration
Before a remote component rendered in inline frames can be used in a site, the
endpoint URL must be registered using HTTPS. This information is stored in the
Component Catalog. The endpoint must allow the URL to display in an inline frame;
don’t set X-Frame-Options="sameorigin"
in the header. For a local
component, because the files are stored on the Oracle Content Management server, this endpoint criteria is automatically met.
When a component rendered in an inline frames is registered, a new GUID is generated that represents the component. If such a component is registered in an Oracle Content Management instance multiple times, it will get multiple GUIDs because they represent each registration of that component. When the component is registered, the description is all that is stored in Oracle Content Management against the GUID; the component will still run from its remote endpoint. See Register a Remote Component.
Once a component rendered in an inline frame is registered, an instance ID is also generated. This instance ID represents a component registered with a certain Oracle Content Management tenant. The same component, registered more than once within the same Oracle Content Management tenant or with a different Oracle Content Management tenant, will have different instance IDs.
Remote Component Settings Persistence
When the Settings URL for a component rendered in an inline frame is rendered in a Settings panel dialog, the instance ID and component ID are both provided. This allows the component to choose to persist any settings itself in its own server, indexed by instance ID and component ID. Alternatively, the Oracle Content Management Sites SDK can be used to allow up to 1.5 KB of JSON data to be stored in the site page's page model against the component ID.
The component can easily participate in page versions, page updates, and the site publishing model.
The component can comprise HTML endpoints that execute in the browser, as opposed to executing in a back-end system.