Get to Know the Site Builder Page

When you edit an existing update or create an update for a site, the update opens in Site Builder. Take a minute to become familiar with the layout of the page and the tools available.

Here are a few things to note:

Callout Description

The name of your site is listed next to the site icon.


Check the update for the name of the update you’re currently working on. If there’s more than one update available, you can switch to a different update.


Check the language to see which version you're currently working on.


Test Profiles give you the opportunity to create profiles with various audience attributes and use the profiles to represent different site visitors to test recommendations. Test profiles are set up when a site administrator creates a recommendation.


Use Undo Undo icon to reverse the last edit or change you made in the editor. Use Redo Redo icon to reapply the most recent change you reversed using undo. You can use undo multiple times to reverse a series of changes in the current update including changes in content, style, and page organization.


Select View to see a preview of the site and Edit and make any changes to an update.


Option menu for the side panel. Click Side panel icon (item 10) to open the side panel. What you can do in the side panel depends on the option you select.

  • Element settings icon Element settings opens the options for configuring component elements selected on your page. Available options will depend on the type of element selected. This option is only available when editing a site.

  • Page settings icon Page settings opens the options for configuring your page settings. Available settings include page name, page layout, mobile layout and more. There are also tabs to add custom page properties and configure backgrounds. This option is only available when editing a site.

  • Conversations icon Click to access or start a conversation for the site, where you can create or participate in a discussion about this site. See Use Conversations in Collaborating on Documents with Oracle Content Management.

    Use the annotation controls to add annotations or view existing annotations.
    • To add an annotation, click Add annotation icon, click the component where you want to add the annotation, then enter your comment in the text box, and click Post. See Add Annotations in Collaborating on Documents with Oracle Content Management.
    • To view annotations, click View annotations icon. When you click an annotation, the annotation note will get focus in the conversation.

Use the preview options to see how the content will look under different circumstances. You can navigate to any page and see the base site with the changes from the current update applied. Click Fit to Window and choose a dimension to view the page as it will appear on a device with that screen size. Several sizes are given and you can create your own device size. Click editor ruler icon to see markings. Click an interval on the ruler to quickly see how the site appears at different sizes. You can also select portrait/landscape icon to see how a site will appear on a mobile device depending on orientation. Themes with a responsive design automatically arrange page content for the best use on the selected screen size.

Click Preview icon to preview the site. This shows the page as it will appear to your site visitors, without slot and component borders and other visual aids used while editing. You can use the links on the pages to move around the site, including links in navigation menus, links in text, and so on. Links to other sites open in a new window for security purposes. Links to pages in the current site open in the same window or a new window depending on link target you specify.


Links to site pages don't work in preview mode.

Use the available options to process your changes. Click Commit to merge your changes to the base site, or click Save to save your changes to the update.


Click Side panel icon to open and close the side panel. What you can do in the side panel depends on the option you select (see item 7 for a list of options).

Click an icon (11–17) in the sidebar to open the panel and manage pages, add components, and more. Click the selected icon again to close the panel.


You must be set to Edit before you can use the tools in the sidebar.
Callout Click... To...
11 Pages icon

Edit and add pages, manage nested page structures, reorganize pages, and change page settings.

12 Page structure icon

View the structure of your page with the elements displayed in a hierarchy. Drag-and-drop the elements in the hierarchy to move them on the page. To adjust component settings, select an element in the hierarchy, open the right side panel and select the element settings option ( Element settings icon ).

If a component or slot has become orphaned, usually because of switching to a different layout that has a different set of slots, then those items get moved out of the page layout grid and you will find them at the bottom of the hierarchy panel in the Orphaned Component and Orphaned Slots sections. Components can be moved back into the page by dragging them into one of the current slots, and orphaned slots can be deleted only, to clean up page data. From there you can either move them back into the grid or delete them from the site.

Note that only the top-level of an orphaned hierarchy is listed in the orphaned component section. For example, if a section layout has orphaned components, the orphaned component section will only show the section layout, not any orphaned components in it. To see them, you need to drag the section layout into the frame.

Also, if any inline components are used, they're displayed at the top of the hierarchy in the Inline Components section.

13 sites layout icon

Add section layouts, such as horizontal or vertical layouts.

14 sites assets icon

Add assets to your site. You can select any assets that are in the repository that was selected when the site was created.

15 sites component icon

Insert components into your site. You can choose from different types of components, such as themed, custom, seeded, or see all available components.

16 Settings icon

Adjust the settings for the site, such as keywords for search engine optimization (SEO) and site redirects.

17 Manage sites icon

Return to the Sites page to manage your sites.