Plain Text

The text component lets you add text to the page and format it exclusively using styles defined in the theme. The formatting tool bar is not available when editing the content, so you can't override the selected style with custom formatting.

This can be useful if you use standardized formatting for elements such as headings. You can update the styles defined in the theme and automatically update the associated text throughout the site without format overrides that would prevent it.

To add a text component:

  1. Navigate to the page you want to edit and make sure that Edit switch is set to Edit.
  2. Add the component to the page.
  3. Click in the paragraph component to enter the text. The text takes on the formatting of the default style for the component (<p> or paragraph element).
    To add an additional paragraph, just press Enter.


    You can copy and paste content from other sources into the text component, but images and underlying HTML tags are removed.
  4. To change the base style for the text component:
    1. Click the component’s menu icon Component Menu Icon and choose Settings.
    2. Click Choose Style and choose the style from the menu.
      The list includes standard HTML tags for paragraph and headings. The style you select assigns the associated tag to the content.
    The component reflects the selected base style.