Twitter Share and Follow

You can add a Twitter Share button to a page to let viewers quickly share a link on a Twitter account.

  1. Navigate to the page you want to edit and make sure that Edit switch is set to Edit.
  2. Add the component to the page.
  3. To edit the app and its appearance, click its menu icon Component Menu icon, and choose Settings.
  4. Choose Twitter Follow Settings to set the Twitter user name and to choose whether to show the user name and to choose the size of the Follow button. Choose Twitter Share Settings to set the following defaults. Users can change the values when they use the button.
    • Share URL: The URL of the site a user can share.

    • Tweet Text: The text of a tweet about the page.

    • Via @: The Twitter user account used for the tweet.

    • Recommend @: The Twitter user account used for a Twitter recommendation.

    • Hashtag #: A hash tag you’d like used for the post.

    • Count: A display of the Share count, either vertical or horizontal.

    • Large button: Choose either a large or smaller button for the app.

  5. Use the General tab to modify spacing, alignment, and other presentation options.
  6. Use the Style tab to format the frame that contains the app with predefined styles or with your own custom choices.