Create Content Items

Content items are created using a content type as a form or template.

To create a content item:

  1. Click Assets in the navigation panel in your browser.
  2. Click Create and then select Create new content item. If you’ve created content items before, the last five types you used are shown. Otherwise, select the content type you want to use from those shown.


    If you don’t see a content type you expect to see, contact your content administrator.
  3. Enter a name and an optional description for the content item. If the repository has been configured to allow incomplete assets, you can add this asset without completing all required fields, but you'll need to complete them before you can submit the asset for review or publish the asset.
  4. If the asset type allows friendly URLs (asset repositories only), enter a friendly item name for the URL.
  5. By default, the repository's default language is selected. If this asset is in another language, select it. The available languages are set in the repository.

    If the asset is stored in an asset repository, the asset is set as translatable by default, but you can make it non-translatable if you want. This option isn't available in business repositories; all assets in business repositories are non-translatable.

  6. Enter information into the necessary content item data fields. The fields might be grouped together and certain groups might be collapsed by default. Expand the collapsed groups to view the additional fields.


    Content types may designate that some data fields be set to inherit content from the master item. If you are creating the master item, you will need to populate those fields with the appropriate content. Once the master item is populated, fields designated to inherit from the master item will we prepopulated when a language is added.
  7. If the content item includes a media reference, you can perform the following actions:
    • To add a new media item, click Add media icon and choose to add from Documents, your computer, or an external source such as Google Drive (if configured by your administrator). Navigate to the item to add and click OK. Select any categories, collections, channels to assign the item to and add any relevant tags, then click Done to add the item to the repository.
    • To select an existing media item from an asset repository, click Select media icon. All digital assets are shown.

      If smart content has been enabled on the repository, you can see assets recommended for you based on the name, description, and any text fields in your asset. Click Recommendations for You. The top five recommended keywords are added to your search, and additional recommended keywords are shown below the search box. To add another recommended keyword, click it. You can also manually enter another keyword. To remove a keyword, click the X next to it.

      Choose an asset to reference, and click OK. If the asset was not already in the collection, it will be added to the collection after you save the asset.

    • To clear the media item, click Clear media icon.
  8. If the content item includes a referenced content item, you can perform the following actions:
    • To create a new content item, click Create content item icon and choose the type of content item to create or choose Create a New Content Item from the list, then follow the procedure to create a content item.
    • To select an existing content item, click Select content item icon and navigate to the desired content item.
    • To clear the content item, click Clear content item icon.
  9. If a taxonomy is associated with the repository, you see the Categories in the right panel. To assign categories to this content item, click Add Category.
  10. Optionally, assign tags—keywords that let users find the item quickly. Select Tags and Collections in the right panel. Add the tags for the asset. Press Enter after each tag. You can also separate tags with a comma, a hashtag (#), or a semi-colon (;) after each tag.
  11. Optionally, choose the collections associated with the item by selecting Tags and Collections in the right panel and locating the collection you want.
  12. Select Channels in the right panel (asset repositories only) to view or choose the channels where this item may be used. The available channels are those that were defined with the repository where the content item is managed. Click Add, select the channels, then click Add.

When you’re satisfied with the content you created, you can perform one of the following tasks. If the repository has been configured to allow incomplete assets, you can add this asset without completing all required fields, but you'll need to complete them before you can submit the asset for review or publish the asset.

  • To save and publish the item, click Publish, and then choose Publish Now or Publish Later.

    Oracle Content Management validates the assets by comparing the assets to the approval and localization policies of the channel. If all assets are ready, Oracle Content Management publishes them. The status is shown in the banner.

    If any errors occur during publishing, the status shown in the banner includes a link to View Validation.

    The validation results list the status of the selected assets, any associated translations, and any dependent assets, showing whether the assets adhere to the approval and localization policies that were set for the channel. You must correct any issues before attempting to publish again. For example, if another version of the asset is already scheduled for publishing, you must schedule publishing for a date later than the previously scheduled publishing.

    You can perform the following actions:

    • You can filter the results by channel or by status.
    • To view an asset in a slide-out panel without leaving the Validation Results page, click Preview icon next to the asset.
    • To remove an asset from publishing, click the X next to the asset.
  • To save and preview the item in a slide-out panel without leaving the content item editor, click Preview icon.
  • To save the item and remain in the editor, click Save.
  • To save the item and close the editor, click Done.

After creating your content item, you might want to perform other actions on it or translate it. See Work with Content Items on the Assets Page or Localize Assets.

Once you have created and saved the content item, you can see how the content will look with the different layouts associated with the content type by clicking Open icon to view in a new page or Preview to view in a slide-out panel. By default, the content is set to fit the browser window. You can select other layout options from the drop-down menu to see how the item will look on different devices, in different sizes, or, if configured, on specific site pages. You can also create your own device size. Alternatively, you can view the ruler by clicking editor ruler icon. Click one of the intervals under the ruler to see how the item appears at different sizes. When you select a mobile device size you can also select portrait/landscape icon to see how the item appears on a mobile device depending on orientation.