Add External Users

You can add external users who may not be a part of your organization to a folder, provided your service is configured to allow external users.

  1. Use your browser to add members to a folder.

  2. Enter the complete email address of the external user you are adding. Their full email address must be used each time you add them as a member. If there isn't already a user with that email address, Oracle Content Management will automatically provision a new external user.

  3. Add any additional information, if requested, such as their name and location.

Once an external user has been invited and successfully provisioned, you can add them to other folders, or even to conversations, just as you would internal users.

External users can collaborate on objects to which they're given access, but they cannot be assigned the manager role. If they are a member of a group that is assigned a manager role, they will have only contributor rights. This safely limits their ability to create and remove content.