Edit Microsoft Office Files

You can edit Microsoft Office files directly from the Oracle Content Management web client.

There are several ways to edit Microsoft Office files that are stored in Oracle Content Management:

  • Download: In the web client, select the file, download it to your computer, edit it in the associated program on your computer, then upload a new version to the web client.
  • Desktop client from web browser: If you've installed the desktop client, you can edit it directly from the web client. In the web client, select the file, and click Edit. The desktop client will open the file in the associated program on your computer. When you finish editing, save the file as you normally would. If you’re already syncing the file, any changes you make to the file will be synced to Oracle Content Management. If you didn’t sync the file beforehand, the newly synced file is stored in your .download folder in your Oracle Content folder on your computer.
  • Desktop client from file explorer: If you've installed the desktop client and you've synced the file to your computer, you can edit the synced file directly from your file explorer as you would any file. The file will open in the associated program on your computer, and any changes you make to the file will be synced to Oracle Content Management.
  • Microsoft Office Online: If your system administrator has enabled Microsoft Office Online integration, you can edit the file in Microsoft Office Online directly from the web client. In the web client, select the file, then click Edit in [Office] Online (for example, "Edit in Word Online"). The file will open in Microsoft Office Online, and any changes you make to the file will be synced to Oracle Content Management.

    If you've installed the desktop client, you can instead edit the file on your computer by clicking Edit in [Office] (desktop) (for example, "Edit in Word (desktop)").

Keep these things in mind when you’re editing files:

  • Try to keep files smaller than 5 GB. Some web browsers can't process files bigger than that.
  • If someone shared a folder with you, you must have at least a Contributor role in the folder to be able to edit a file there. When you edit a file you are uploading a new version of the file to the folder.
  • A new version of the file is created each time the file is autosaved.