Work with Synced Files

You manage many of the same sync tasks using one of several methods.

  • Right-click the desktop app icon in the notification area (Windows) or menu bar extras area (Mac) to access a context menu.

  • Right-click a folder or file in your local account folder to access a context menu that has some sync tasks. Select Oracle Content in the context menu to access most sync tasks.

  • Click the desktop app icon to open the sync activity dialog and click the More icon to access most of the same options found in the context menus. A few options in the sync activity dialog are accessed using icons on the title bar.

Typical tasks and options are detailed in the following table.

Task Description

Sync folders from the cloud

Select Choose Folders to Sync from Cloud and click the checkbox for items to sync. To stop syncing, de-select an item.

Pause sync of all folders

Most of the time you can let the desktop app do its job and always sync your files. But sometimes you may want to temporarily pause sync if you have a slow connection and need to improve the performance of other online tasks. For example, you may want to pause sync if the online training video you are viewing is stuttering, or if a download keeps failing.

Access the sync menu using one of the above methods and choose Pause All Sync. To resume sync, choose Resume All Sync.

When you resume sync, changes you made during the pause are applied, and any conflicting changes in the files need to be fixed.

Initiate a sync

Select Sync Now.

Stop syncing a specific folder If you want to stop syncing a specific folder in your local account folder, you can right-click the folder and select Oracle Content then Stop Sync. This is the same as deselecting the folder in the Choose Folders to Sync from Cloud dialog.
If you stop syncing a folder on a computer, the folder and its files are removed from the local account folder on that computer. Nothing is lost because the folder and its files remain in the cloud and on any other computer you have synced. You can restart sync of the folder later.


If you mistakenly choose a folder to sync and then stop syncing the folder shortly after, it's possible content in the folder didn't finish syncing, and so not all the content gets to the cloud. If this happens and you've set Oracle Desktop to move unsynced content to the Windows recycle bin, it's possible some content could be permanently deleted, depending on your recycle bin settings and available storage space. To avoid this, set Oracle Desktop to move unsynced content to the Unsynced Content folder, where it can easily be restored. The Unsynced Content folder is found in the Oracle Content folder of the account.
Delete a local folder and its content from the cloud If you want to delete a specific folder and content in your local account folder from the cloud, you can right-click the folder and select Oracle Content then Delete from Cloud to send the folder to your Trash folder in the cloud.

Investigate sync problems

Select Sync Problems. To view sync problems for a specific folder, right-click the folder in the local account folder and select Sync Problems from the right-click menu.

Go to a local account folder

From the context menu on Windows, select Open in Explorer. From the context menu on a Mac, select Open in Finder.

From the sync activity dialog, click the Account icon.

If you sync to multiple accounts, choose the account folder to open.

If you want to open a specific local folder that is listed in the sync activity dialog, or that contains an item listed in the sync activity dialog, click the title.

Open the cloud version of a folder

From the context menu, select Open in the Cloud.

From the sync activity dialog, click the cloud folder icon.

If you sync to multiple accounts, choose the account folder to open.

If you want to open a specific cloud folder that is listed in the sync activity dialog, select it, click the item More icon, then select Open in the Cloud.

If you want to locate a specific file listed in the sync activity dialog, select it, click the item More icon, then select Open Location in the Cloud.

Stop all notifications

Select Disable Notifications to prevent all your notifications from appearing (for example, during a conference call or a webinar). To start them again, select Enable Notifications.

Collaborate with others

Right-click a file or folder in your local account folder, select Oracle Content and then Conversation. A conversation associated with the file or folder is opened in your web browser that you can use to comment on content, flag others, and get people involved in real time.

See the properties of a folder or file

Right-click the file in your local account folder, then choose Oracle Content and then Properties.

Stop sync activity dialog animations

If your sync is running slowly or if you want to stop animations on the sync activity dialog for some other reason, open sync activity and click the More icon then select Disable Animations.

To restart animations, select Enable Animations.

Edit an account

From the notifications area context menu, select Accounts.

From the sync activity dialog, click the Accounts icon.

Select the account to edit and click the item More icon. Select Edit to change the account name, location of the local account folder, and service URL.

It may be useful to put your content on a drive with a large amount storage space. If you move an account folder to a different drive, you must re-sync all the folders.

Remove an account

From the notifications are context menu, select Accounts.

From the sync activity dialog, click the Accounts icon.

Select the account to remove and click the item More icon. Select Remove to no longer sync the account to the desktop. Removing an account does not delete any content from the cloud or local account folder. Instead, the local account folder is no longer synced to the cloud account and the local name is changed to specify that it is removed. This means that any changes made to items in the local folder after the account has been removed will not be synced with the cloud.

Repair an account

In some rare instance you may have sync problems that persist and are difficult to resolve. You may want to repair an account or folder. If the account is large, or the individual folder is large, repair can take a long time. It's a good idea to try to initiate a sync first to see if that resolves the problem. If it does not, you can try to repair the account or individual folder.

To repair an account:

  1. From the system tray context menu, select Accounts.

  2. From the sync activity dialog, click the Accounts icon.

  3. Right-click on the account to repair or select it and click the item More icon.

  4. Select Repair.

Save a log file showing the sync transactions on your desktop

Choose Troubleshoot from the Help menu then choose Save Logs.

The following options can be accessed by finding the item you want in the local account folder on your desktop, and right-clicking on the file or folder.

Task Description

Lock a file

Select Lock. You can also lock a synced file by opening the file and clicking the Lock icon on the radial menu when editing a Microsoft Office file.

Share a synced file or folder

You can add members to a folder or send a link to a file or folder the same way you do when using a web browser or mobile device. Right-click on the item name in the desktop folder and choose Members or Share Link in the Oracle Content context area.

See the properties of a folder or file

Select the file in your local account folder, then choose Oracle Content and then Properties.