All REST Endpoints

The Applinks API provides basic applink operations.
Create File Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/folder/{folderId}
Refresh Applink Token
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/token
The Catalog API provides information about what resources are available for a particular version.
Get All Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/
Get API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get Applink API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/applinks
Get Collection API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/collections
Get Configuration API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/configuration
Get File API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/files
Get Folder API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/folders
Get Metadata API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/metadata
Get Public Links API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/publiclinks
Get Share API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/shares
Get Specific Version
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}
Get User API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/users
The Collections API provides basic collection operations.
Add a List of Assets to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Add an Asset to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Create a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections
Delete a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}
Remove a List of Assets from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Remove an Asset from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Retrieve a List of Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/items
The Configuration API provides basic configuration operations.
Get CDN Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/sites/deliverycdn
Get Collaboration Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/collaboration
The Files API provides basic file operations.
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Copy File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/copy
Create File Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/conversation
Delete All File Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Delete Custom Rendition
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Delete File
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Download File
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Edit File
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Edit File Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Generate File Renditions
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get File Accesses
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/accesses
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Get File HTML5 Preview
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/previewPath
Get File Information
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Get File Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/versions
Get Information on Multiple Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/lists
Get Rendition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Get Rendition Page Count
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get Thumbnail
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/thumbnail
List Renditions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/renditions
Move File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/move
Reserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/reserve
Set File Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Unreserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/unreserve
Upload Custom Rendition
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
The Folders API provides basic folder operations.
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Copy Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/copy
Create Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/conversation
Delete All Folder Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Delete Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Edit Folder
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Edit Folder Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Folder
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Home Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/items
Get Information on Multiple Folders
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/lists
Get Specific Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/items
Move Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/move
Search Folders or Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/search/items
Search Folders or Files Under Specific Folder ID
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/search/items
Set Folder Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Metadata Collection
The operations from the Metadata Collection category.
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Create Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Delete Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Edit Field Status in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}/field
Edit Status or Fields in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Available Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Metadata Collection Definition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Set Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
The Publiclinks API provides basic public links operations
Create File Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Delete Public Link
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Edit Public Link
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Get File Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Get Folder Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Get Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
The Shares API provides basic sharing operations.
Edit Shared Folder User Role
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/role
Get Shared Folder Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/items
Revoke Current User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/myuser
Revoke User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/user
Share Folder or Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Unshare Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
The Users API provides basic information about users to identify them for folder and file sharing purposes.
Get User with Email Address
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/search/items
Get Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/items
Transfer User Content
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/{userID}/transferContent
All Endpoints
Add a List of Assets to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Add an Asset to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Copy File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/copy
Copy Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/copy
Create a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections
Create File Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/file/{fileId}
Create File Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/conversation
Create File Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/folder/{folderId}
Create Folder Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/conversation
Create Folder Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Create Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Delete a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}
Delete All File Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Delete All Folder Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Delete Custom Rendition
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Delete File
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Delete Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Delete Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Delete Public Link
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Download File
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Edit Field Status in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}/field
Edit File
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Edit File Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Edit Folder
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Edit Folder Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Edit Public Link
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Edit Shared Folder User Role
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/role
Edit Status or Fields in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Generate File Renditions
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get All Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/
Get API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get Applink API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/applinks
Get Available Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata
Get CDN Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/sites/deliverycdn
Get Collaboration Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/collaboration
Get Collection API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/collections
Get Configuration API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/configuration
Get File Accesses
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/accesses
Get File API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/files
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Get File HTML5 Preview
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/previewPath
Get File Information
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Get File Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Get File Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/versions
Get Folder
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Get Folder API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/folders
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Get Folder Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Home Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/items
Get Information on Multiple Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/lists
Get Information on Multiple Folders
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/lists
Get Metadata API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/metadata
Get Metadata Collection Definition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Get Public Links API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/publiclinks
Get Rendition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Get Rendition Page Count
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Get Share API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/shares
Get Shared Folder Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/items
Get Specific Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/items
Get Specific Version
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}
Get Thumbnail
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/thumbnail
Get User API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/users
Get User with Email Address
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/search/items
Get Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/items
List Renditions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/renditions
Move File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/move
Move Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/move
Refresh Applink Token
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/token
Remove a List of Assets from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Remove an Asset from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Reserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/reserve
Retrieve a List of Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/items
Revoke Current User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/myuser
Revoke User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/user
Search Folders or Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/search/items
Search Folders or Files Under Specific Folder ID
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/search/items
Set File Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Set Folder Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Set Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Share Folder or Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Transfer User Content
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/{userID}/transferContent
Unreserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/unreserve
Unshare Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Upload Custom Rendition
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
The Applinks API provides basic applink operations.
Create File Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/folder/{folderId}
Refresh Applink Token
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/token
The Catalog API provides information about what resources are available for a particular version.
Get All Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/
Get Specific Version
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}
Get API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get Applink API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/applinks
Get Collection API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/collections
Get Configuration API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/configuration
Get File API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/files
Get Folder API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/folders
Get Metadata API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/metadata
Get Public Links API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/publiclinks
Get Share API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/shares
Get User API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/users
The Collections API provides basic collection operations.
Create a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections
Retrieve a List of Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/items
Delete a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}
Remove a List of Assets from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Add a List of Assets to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Remove an Asset from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Add an Asset to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
The Configuration API provides basic configuration operations.
Get Collaboration Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/collaboration
Get CDN Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/sites/deliverycdn
The Files API provides basic file operations.
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Get Information on Multiple Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/lists
Delete File
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Information
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Edit File
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Accesses
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/accesses
Create File Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/conversation
Copy File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/copy
Download File
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Delete Custom Rendition
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Get Rendition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Upload Custom Rendition
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
List Renditions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/renditions
Get Thumbnail
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/thumbnail
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Move File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/move
Get Rendition Page Count
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Generate File Renditions
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get File HTML5 Preview
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/previewPath
Reserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/reserve
Delete All File Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Get File Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Set File Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Edit File Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Unreserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/unreserve
Get File Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/versions
The Folders API provides basic folder operations.
Get Home Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/items
Get Information on Multiple Folders
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/lists
Search Folders or Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/search/items
Delete Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Get Folder
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Edit Folder
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/conversation
Copy Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/copy
Get Specific Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/items
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Move Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/move
Search Folders or Files Under Specific Folder ID
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/search/items
Delete All Folder Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Folder Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Set Folder Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Edit Folder Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Metadata Collection
The operations from the Metadata Collection category.
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Get Available Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata
Get Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Set Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Delete Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Metadata Collection Definition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Create Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Edit Status or Fields in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Edit Field Status in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}/field
The Publiclinks API provides basic public links operations
Get File Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Create File Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Get Folder Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Create Folder Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Delete Public Link
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Get Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Edit Public Link
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
The Shares API provides basic sharing operations.
Unshare Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Share Folder or Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Get Shared Folder Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/items
Revoke Current User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/myuser
Edit Shared Folder User Role
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/role
Revoke User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/user
The Users API provides basic information about users to identify them for folder and file sharing purposes.
Get Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/items
Get User with Email Address
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/search/items
Transfer User Content
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/{userID}/transferContent
All Endpoints
Get All Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/
Create File Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/folder/{folderId}
Refresh Applink Token
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/token
Create a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections
Retrieve a List of Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/items
Delete a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}
Remove a List of Assets from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Add a List of Assets to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Remove an Asset from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Add an Asset to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Get Collaboration Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/collaboration
Get CDN Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/sites/deliverycdn
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Get Information on Multiple Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/lists
Delete File
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Information
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Edit File
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Accesses
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/accesses
Create File Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/conversation
Copy File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/copy
Download File
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Delete Custom Rendition
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Get Rendition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Upload Custom Rendition
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
List Renditions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/renditions
Get Thumbnail
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/thumbnail
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Move File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/move
Get Rendition Page Count
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Generate File Renditions
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get File HTML5 Preview
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/previewPath
Reserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/reserve
Delete All File Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Get File Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Set File Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Edit File Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Unreserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/unreserve
Get File Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/versions
Get Home Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/items
Get Information on Multiple Folders
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/lists
Search Folders or Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/search/items
Delete Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Get Folder
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Edit Folder
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/conversation
Copy Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/copy
Get Specific Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/items
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Move Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/move
Search Folders or Files Under Specific Folder ID
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/search/items
Delete All Folder Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Folder Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Set Folder Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Edit Folder Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Available Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata
Get Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Set Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Delete Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Get Metadata Collection Definition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Create Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Edit Status or Fields in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Edit Field Status in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}/field
Get File Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Create File Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Get Folder Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Create Folder Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Delete Public Link
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Get Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Edit Public Link
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Unshare Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Share Folder or Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Get Shared Folder Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/items
Revoke Current User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/myuser
Edit Shared Folder User Role
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/role
Revoke User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/user
Get Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/items
Get User with Email Address
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/search/items
Transfer User Content
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/{userID}/transferContent
Get Specific Version
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}
Get API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get Applink API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/applinks
Get Collection API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/collections
Get Configuration API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/configuration
Get File API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/files
Get Folder API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/folders
Get Metadata API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/metadata
Get Public Links API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/publiclinks
Get Share API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/shares
Get User API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/users
The Applinks API provides basic applink operations.
Create File Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/folder/{folderId}
Refresh Applink Token
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/token
The Catalog API provides information about what resources are available for a particular version.
Get All Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/
Get Specific Version
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}
Get API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get Applink API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/applinks
Get Collection API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/collections
Get Configuration API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/configuration
Get File API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/files
Get Folder API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/folders
Get Metadata API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/metadata
Get Public Links API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/publiclinks
Get Share API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/shares
Get User API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/users
The Collections API provides basic collection operations.
Delete a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}
Remove a List of Assets from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Remove an Asset from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Retrieve a List of Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/items
Create a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections
Add a List of Assets to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Add an Asset to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
The Configuration API provides basic configuration operations.
Get Collaboration Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/collaboration
Get CDN Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/sites/deliverycdn
The Files API provides basic file operations.
Delete File
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Delete Custom Rendition
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Delete All File Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Get Information on Multiple Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/lists
Get File Information
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Accesses
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/accesses
Download File
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Get Rendition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
List Renditions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/renditions
Get Thumbnail
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/thumbnail
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Get Rendition Page Count
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get File HTML5 Preview
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/previewPath
Get File Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Get File Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/versions
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Create File Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/conversation
Copy File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/copy
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Upload Custom Rendition
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Move File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/move
Generate File Renditions
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Reserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/reserve
Set File Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Unreserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/unreserve
Edit File
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Edit File Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
The Folders API provides basic folder operations.
Delete Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Delete All Folder Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Home Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/items
Get Information on Multiple Folders
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/lists
Search Folders or Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/search/items
Get Folder
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Get Specific Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/items
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Search Folders or Files Under Specific Folder ID
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/search/items
Get Folder Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Create Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/conversation
Copy Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/copy
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Move Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/move
Set Folder Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Edit Folder
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Edit Folder Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Metadata Collection
The operations from the Metadata Collection category.
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Delete Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Get Available Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata
Get Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Get Metadata Collection Definition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Set Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Create Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Edit Status or Fields in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Edit Field Status in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}/field
The Publiclinks API provides basic public links operations
Delete Public Link
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Get File Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Get Folder Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Get Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Create File Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Edit Public Link
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
The Shares API provides basic sharing operations.
Unshare Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Revoke Current User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/myuser
Revoke User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/user
Get Shared Folder Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/items
Share Folder or Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Edit Shared Folder User Role
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/role
The Users API provides basic information about users to identify them for folder and file sharing purposes.
Get Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/items
Get User with Email Address
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/search/items
Transfer User Content
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/{userID}/transferContent
All Endpoints
Delete a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}
Remove a List of Assets from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Remove an Asset from a Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Delete File
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Delete Custom Rendition
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Delete Values in File Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Delete All File Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Delete Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Delete Values in a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Delete All Folder Tags
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Delete Metadata Collection
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Delete Public Link
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Unshare Folder
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Revoke Current User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/myuser
Revoke User
Method: delete
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/user
Get All Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/
Retrieve a List of Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/items
Get Collaboration Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/collaboration
Get CDN Configuration
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/config/sites/deliverycdn
Get Information on Multiple Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/lists
Get File Information
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Get File Accesses
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/accesses
Download File
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Get Rendition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
List Renditions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/renditions
Get Thumbnail
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/thumbnail
Get File Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Get File Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadataFields
Get Rendition Page Count
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Get File HTML5 Preview
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/previewPath
Get File Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Get File Versions
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/versions
Get Home Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/items
Get Information on Multiple Folders
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/lists
Search Folders or Files
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/search/items
Get Folder
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Get Specific Folder Contents
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/items
Get Folder Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Get Folder Assigned Metadata Collections
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadataFields
Search Folders or Files Under Specific Folder ID
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/search/items
Get Folder Tags
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Get Available Metadata Collection
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata
Get Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Get Metadata Collection Definition
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Get File Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Get Folder Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Get Public Link
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Get Shared Folder Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/items
Get Users
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/items
Get User with Email Address
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/search/items
Get Specific Version
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}
Get API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog
Get Applink API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/applinks
Get Collection API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/collections
Get Configuration API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/configuration
Get File API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/files
Get Folder API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/folders
Get Metadata API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/metadata
Get Public Links API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/publiclinks
Get Share API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/shares
Get User API Catalog
Method: get
Path: /documents/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/users
Create File Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Applink
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/folder/{folderId}
Create a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections
Add a List of Assets to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files
Add an Asset to a Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/collections/{collectionId}/files/{fileId}
Upload File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/data
Create File Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/conversation
Copy File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/copy
Upload File Version
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data
Upload Custom Rendition
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/data/rendition
Assign Values to a File Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Move File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/move
Generate File Renditions
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/pages
Reserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/reserve
Set File Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Unreserve File
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/unreserve
Create Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Create Folder Conversation
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/conversation
Copy Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/copy
Assign Values to a Folder Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata
Assign a Metadata Collection to a Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/metadata/{collectionName}
Move Folder
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/move
Set Folder Tags
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Set Searchable Metadata Fields
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/searchFields
Create Metadata Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Create File Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/file/{fileId}
Create Folder Public Link
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/folder/{folderId}
Share Folder or Collection
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}
Transfer User Content
Method: post
Path: /documents/api/1.1/users/{userID}/transferContent
Refresh Applink Token
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/applinks/token
Edit File
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}
Edit File Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/files/{fileId}/tags
Edit Folder
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}
Edit Folder Tags
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/folders/{folderId}/tags
Edit Status or Fields in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}
Edit Field Status in a Metadata Collection
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/metadata/{collectionName}/field
Edit Public Link
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/publiclinks/{linkId}
Edit Shared Folder User Role
Method: put
Path: /documents/api/1.1/shares/{folderId}/role