


createDeliveryClient(args) → {ContentDeliveryClient}

Create a delivery client to interact with content published in Oracle Content Management. A delivery client can
  • read published content items
  • download published digital assets
  • render published content using named content layouts
Name Type Description
args ClientParameters A JavaScript object containing the parameters to create the content delivery client instance.
import { createDeliveryClient } from '@oracle/content-management-sdk';
// create a delivery client and output logging 'info' messages to the console
var deliveryClient = createDeliveryClient({
    contentServer: contentServer,
    channelToken: channelToken,
    logger: {
        info: function (message) {

createPreviewClient(args) → {ContentPreviewClient|ContentManagementClient}

Create a preview client to view draft (unpublished) content. Preview clients can:
  • read content types.
  • read draft content items.
  • render draft content using named content layouts.
The preview client uses either the management or preview REST API calls. These APIs require authentication which can be achieved by any of:
  • providing a beforeSend function to inject an Authorization header
  • providing an Authorization header value via an authorization property of the arguments
  • providing an authorizationParams object containing credentials to generate an OAuth token from the specified identity provider.
Name Type Description
args ClientParameters A JavaScript object containing the parameters to create the content preview client instance.
ContentPreviewClient | ContentManagementClient
import { createPreviewClient } from '@oracle/content-management-sdk';
// create a preview client (using preview REST API)
// and output logging 'info' messages to the console
var previewClient = createPreviewClient({
    contentServer: contentServer,
    channelToken: channelToken,
    options: {
        previewClientAPI: "previewREST",
    authorizationParams: {
        CLIENT_ID: "123456ABC",
        CLIENT_SECRET: "7890123DEF",
        CLIENT_SCOPE_URL: "https://<ServiceInstanceBaseURL>:443/urn:opc:cec:all",
        IDP_URL: "",
    logger: {
        info: function (message) {
import { createPreviewClient } from '@oracle/content-management-sdk';
// create a legacy preview client (using Management REST API)
// and output logging 'info' messages to the console
var previewClient = createPreviewClient({
    contentServer: contentServer,
    channelToken: channelToken,
    authorization: 'Bearer A1234B5678C9012',
    logger: {
        info: function (message) {

Type Definitions


A JavaScript object containing the parameters to create the content client instance.
  • object
Name Type Attributes Default Description
contentServer string <optional>
'protocol://host:port' URL to the Oracle Content Management instance providing content. The default assumes the current 'protocol://host:port'.
contentVersion 'v1' | 'v1.1' <optional>
'v1.1' The version of the content delivery REST API to use.
timeout string <optional>
0 Timeout for the AJAX calls, defaults to no timeout.
cacheBuster string <optional>
The URL parameter used to control whether or not content is fetched from the browser cache.
secureContent boolean <optional>
false Content is secured and requires sign-in to view.
channelToken string The Oracle Content Management instance token for accessing published content.
authorization string <optional>
Authorization header to include in the request.
options object <optional>
define which family of REST API calls should be used to connect to the Content server.
Name Type Attributes Description
deliveryClientAPI string <optional>
Currently, only "deliveryREST" is supported and is the default value.
previewClientAPI string <optional>
This can be set to "managementREST" (the default) or "previewREST".
authorizationParams object <optional>
Object containing application credentials. See
Name Type Attributes Description
CLIENT_ID string <optional>
Id of client application
CLIENT_SECRET string <optional>
Secret of client application
CLIENT_SCOPE_URL string <optional>
Scope of application
IDP_URL string <optional>
URL of Identity provider. This will be used to generate new OAuth tokens on demand.
beforeSend function <optional>
Callback passing in the xhr (browser) or options (NodeJS) object before making the REST call.
logger object An object that implements the standard log functions: ['error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug', 'log'].


Content Client Information
  • Object
Name Type Description
contentServer string The URL to the server for content.
clientType string The type of content client ['delivery' | 'preview'].
contentType string Whether to access 'published' or 'draft' content.
contentVersion string The version of the Content Delivery REST API to use.
channelToken string The Oracle Content Management instance token for accessing published content.
secureContent boolean Content is secured and requires sign-in to view.
authorization string Authorization header to include in the request.
beforeSend string Callback passing in the xhr (browser) or options (node) object before making the REST call.
timeout string Default timeout for AJAX calls, which can be overridden on an individual call basis.
cacheBuster string Adds "cb={cacheBusterValue}" to the URL to enable distinct browser caching of GET requests.