Running the oracle-dbcs-cli Utility

The oracle-dbcs-cli utility provides a number of subcommands to perform various life-cycle and administration operations on Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service database deployments.

To run the oracle-dbcs-cli utility, first navigate to the directory where you installed the utility. Then, run a command of the form:

./oracle-dbcs-cli -help | -ver | subcommand subcommmand-options

Use the -help option to display help information for the oracle-dbcs-cli utility.

Use the -ver option to display version information for the oracle-dbcs-cli utility.

Use subcommand subcommmand-options to perform one of the life-cycle or administration operations that for the oracle-dbcs-cli utility supports:

  • create: create a new deployment.

  • delete: delete a deployment.

  • list: list deployments in an identity domain or list detailed information for one deployment.

  • patch apply: apply a patch to a deployment .

  • patch check: check whether a deployment meets the prerequisites of a patch.

  • patch rollback: roll back a patch on a deployment.

  • patch status: display the status of a patch’s application to a deployment.

  • patch list: list the patches available for a deployment.

  • scaleup: scale up the Compute shape of a deployment’s compute node.

The create Subcommand

The create subcommand creates a new Database Classic Cloud Service deployment.

oracle-dbcs-cli create -dat data-file

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-dat data-file

The name of the data file containing information to connect to Oracle Cloud and information describing how to configure the new deployment. For information about the content of the data file, see The Data File for the oracle-dbcs-cli create Subcommand.

The delete Subcommand

The delete subcommand deletes an existing Database Classic Cloud Service deployment.

oracle-dbcs-cli delete -cfg config-file -vmname node-name

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-cfg config-file

The name of the configuration file containing information to connect to Oracle Cloud. For information about the content of the configuration file, see The Configuration File for oracle-dbcs-cli Subcommands.

-vmname node-name

The name of the deployment’s compute node virtual machine to delete.

The list Subcommand

The list subcommand displays a list of deployments in an identity domain or displays detailed information for one deployment, depending on whether you specify the -vmname option.

oracle-dbcs-cli list -cfg config-file [-vmname node-name]

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-cfg config-file

The name of the configuration file containing information to connect to Oracle Cloud. For information about the content of the configuration file, see The Configuration File for oracle-dbcs-cli Subcommands.

-vmname node-name

The name of the deployment’s compute node virtual machine about which to display detailed information. When omitted, a list of deployments in the identity domain is displayed.

The patch apply Subcommand

The patch apply subcommand applies a patch to the virtual machine of a Database Classic Cloud Service deployment.

oracle-dbcs-cli patch apply -key ssh-private-key-file -host node-ip-address -id patch-id [-secret ssh-passphrase] [-force]

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-key ssh-private-key-file

The name of the file containing the SSH private key to connect to the deployment’s virtual machine.

-host node-ip-address

The public IP address of the compute node associated with the deployment.

-id patch-id

The patch id of the patch to apply. To determine the patch id, use the oracle-dbcs-cli patch list command.

-secret ssh-passphrase

The passphrase of the SSH private key, if it was created with a passphrase. If the passphrase includes spaces, enclose it in single quotes; for example:

-secret 'This is a passphrase'


Forces the patching operation to ignore any errors that occur.

The patch check Subcommand

The patch check subcommand checks whether the virtual machine of a Database Classic Cloud Service deployment meets the prerequisites of a specified patch.

oracle-dbcs-cli patch check -key ssh-private-key-file -host node-ip-address -id patch-id [-secret ssh-passphrase] [-force]

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-key ssh-private-key-file

The name of the file containing the SSH private key to connect to the deployment’s virtual machine.

-host node-ip-address

The public IP address of the compute node associated with the deployment.

-id patch-id

The patch id of the patch to check. To determine the patch id, use the oracle-dbcs-cli patch list command.

-secret ssh-passphrase

The passphrase of the SSH private key, if it was created with a passphrase. If the passphrase includes spaces, enclose it in single quotes; for example:

-secret 'This is a passphrase'


Forces the patch-checking operation to ignore any errors that occur.

The patch rollback Subcommand

The patch rollback subcommand rolls back a patch that was successfully or unsuccessfully applied to the virtual machine of a Database Classic Cloud Service deployment.

oracle-dbcs-cli patch rollback -key ssh-private-key-file -host node-ip-address -id patch-id [-secret ssh-passphrase]

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-key ssh-private-key-file

The name of the file containing the SSH private key to connect to the deployment’s virtual machine.

-host node-ip-address

The public IP address of the compute node associated with the deployment.

-id patch-id

The patch id of the patch to roll back. To determine the patch id, use the oracle-dbcs-cli patch list command.

-secret ssh-passphrase

The passphrase of the SSH private key, if it was created with a passphrase. If the passphrase includes spaces, enclose it in single quotes; for example:

-secret 'This is a passphrase'

The patch status Subcommand

The patch status subcommand display the status of a patching operation on the virtual machine of a Database Classic Cloud Service deployment.

oracle-dbcs-cli patch status -key ssh-private-key-file -host node-ip-address -id transaction-id [-secret ssh-passphrase]

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-key ssh-private-key-file

The name of the file containing the SSH private key to connect to the deployment’s virtual machine.

-host node-ip-address

The public IP address of the compute node associated with the deployment.

-id transaction-id

The transaction id of the patching operation. To determine the transaction id, use the oracle-dbcs-cli patch list command.

-secret ssh-passphrase

The passphrase of the SSH private key, if it was created with a passphrase. If the passphrase includes spaces, enclose it in single quotes; for example:

-secret 'This is a passphrase'

The patch list Subcommand

The patch list subcommand displays a list of the patches available for the virtual machine of a Database Classic Cloud Service deployment.

oracle-dbcs-cli patch list -key ssh-private-key-file -host node-ip-address [-secret ssh-passphrase]

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-key ssh-private-key-file

The name of the file containing the SSH private key to connect to the deployment’s virtual machine.

-host node-ip-address

The public IP address of the compute node associated with the deployment.

-secret ssh-passphrase

The passphrase of the SSH private key, if it was created with a passphrase. If the passphrase includes spaces, enclose it in single quotes; for example:

-secret 'This is a passphrase'

The scaleup Subcommand

The scaleup subcommand scales up the Compute shape of the compute node associated with a Database Classic Cloud Service deployment.

oracle-dbcs-cli scaleup -cfg config-file -vmname node-name -shape shape-name

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description

-cfg config-file

The name of the configuration file containing information to connect to Oracle Cloud. For information about the content of the configuration file, see The Configuration File for oracle-dbcs-cli Subcommands.

-vmname node-name

The name of the deployment’s compute node virtual machine.

-shape shape-name

The shape to scale the virtual machine up to. Specify one of these values for shape-name:

  • oc3 — 1 OCPU with 7.5 GB RAM

  • oc4 — 2 OCPUs with 15 GB RAM

  • oc5 — 4 OCPUs with 30 GB RAM

  • oc6 — 8 OCPUs with 60 GB RAM

  • oc7 — 16 OCPUs with 120 GB RAM

  • oc1m — 1 OCPU with 15 GB RAM

  • oc2m — 2 OCPUs with 30 GB RAM

  • oc3m — 4 OCPUs with 60 GB RAM

  • oc4m — 8 OCPUs with 120 GB RAM

  • oc5m — 16 OCPUs with 240 GB RAM