Viewing User Account and Expiring Password Information

You can use DBaaS Monitor to view information about the status of user accounts and passwords.

You can use the DBaaS Monitor to view how many user accounts are in the following states:

  • Open—This status indicates that the user’s account is unlocked and access to the database is enabled.

  • Locked—This status indicates that the user’s account is locked and access to the database is disabled. The account must be unlocked to enable access to the database.

  • Expired—This status indicates that the user’s password has expired and must be changed before the user can log in to the database.

You can view this information for the entire database or for a specific PDB.

In the Expiring Accounts Password box on the DBaaS Monitor home page, you can see a list of user accounts and whether a user account password has expired or the number of days before it will expire. You can view this information for the entire database or for a specific PDB.