Access Oracle Developer Cloud Service

You can access Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS) from any Oracle Cloud-supported web browser and from supported IDEs.

To access DevCS, you need the service URL, plus your identity domain name, username, and password. If you’re a new user, you can sign in from the Oracle Cloud home page. If you’re a returning user, you can find the service URL from the email with the subject Welcome to Oracle Developer Cloud Service or Verify your Oracle Developer Cloud Service.

Your identity domain name and credentials are available in the email with the subject Welcome to Oracle Cloud.

If you’re invited to Oracle Cloud, you can find those details in the email with the subject New Account Information.

Sign In From a Web Browser

You can sign in and open DevCS from the Oracle Cloud home page.

To view the list of supported browsers, see
  1. In a web browser, go to, and click Sign In.
  2. On the Sign In page, click Sign In using Traditional Cloud Account.
  3. From the Data Center drop-down list, select your data center.
  4. In Traditional Cloud Account Name, enter your identity domain name and click Go.
  5. Enter your Oracle Cloud account credentials, and click Sign In.
  6. On the Oracle Cloud Dashboard, in the developerNNNNN tile (where NNNNN is a number), click Action the Action menu icon and select Open Service Console.
    Dashboard of DevCS Traditional

    If the developerNNNNN tile isn’t visible, click Customize Dashboard. Under Platform, find the Developer service, click Show, and then close the Customize Dashboard window.

If you’re signing in to DevCS for the first time, you should have received an email with the subject Verify your Oracle Developer Cloud Service. Open the email and click the URL link in the email body to verify your email. This is required to receive email notifications from the service.

After your email address is verified, you’ll receive another email with the subject Welcome to Oracle Developer Cloud Service. This email contains the DevCS URL that you can bookmark.

After you sign in to DevCS, you'll see the Organization page that displays all the projects you're a member of, as well as your favorite projects, the projects you own, and all the shared projects in your organization.

If you're assigned the DEVELOPER_ADMINISTRATOR (Developer Service Administrator) identity domain role, you can manage all projects and the properties of the organization. To open a project, click its name. You can't open a project if you're not its member.

Organization page

If you're assigned the DEVELOPER_USER (Developer Service User) identity domain role, you can create a project or click its name to open it.

Access from IDEs

Besides the Oracle Cloud web interface, you can also connect to DevCS from Eclipse IDE, NetBeans IDE, and JDeveloper.

For more information, see: