Add Tags to an Application

You're an identity domain administrator or application administrator who wants to create custom attributes for your applications that can be used to search for the applications more effectively. To do this, you add tags to your applications. Tags are key-value pairs that are used to organize and identify applications.

For example, suppose you're creating three versions of an application: one for development purposes, one for testing purposes, and one that will be used in production. You can create the following tags for these versions: Version: Development; Version: Testing; and Version: Production.

There are two kinds of tags that you can add to your application:
  • Tags

    You can create new tags for your Confidential, Mobile, SAML, and App Catalog applications using the Tags section in the Details pane. You can use these tags to identify and organize your applications.

    To add new tags to your application:

    1. In the Tags area of the Details pane, click Add Tag.

    2. In the Tag Key and Tag Value fields of the Add Tags window, enter or select the key-value pair for the tag you're creating.

    To create more tags, click Add Tag, and repeat the process. You can add up to 100 tags.

  • Tagged

    You can add existing tags from other applications to Confidential Applications only using the Tagged of Token Issuance Policy section. Based on the tags selected, your client application can access resource applications that have similar tags.

    To add existing tags from other applications:

    1. In the Tagged area of the Token Issuance Policy pane, click Add Tag.

    2. In the Add Tags window, search for the key-value pair of the tag that you're adding from another application by entering the search criteria in the Tag Key and Tag Value fields.


You can delete tags by clicking the X icon next to the tag. However, some tags are protected and cannot be deleted.