Complete Ariba SOAP Web Services Prerequisites

Perform the following SAP Ariba SOAP web services prerequisites.

You must have an existing SAP Ariba application user account. A user account is required to provide the credentials necessary to create the SAP Ariba Adapter connection and integration in Oracle Integration.

Configure Basic Authentication

Configure basic authentication for the SAP Ariba Adapter.

  1. Log in to the SAP Ariba Spent Management application.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Core Administration (Downstream) / Administration (Upstream) > Integration Manager > Endpoint Point Configuration.
  3. Click Create New.
    The End Point Configuration - Create End Point page is displayed.
  4. Provide the required endpoint name.
  5. Select Inbound in the Type field.
  6. In the HTTP Authentication section, enter a username and password, then re-enter the password a second time for confirmation.
    The password must be between 12 and 16 characters in length. It can include any alphabetical characters and punctuation marks, and must include at least one number between the first and last character. It must also include at least one letter (for example, go22sapariba).
  7. Copy the username and the password. You need these values when configuring security on the Connections page in Oracle Integration.
  8. Click Save.

Configure the SAP Ariba Application Endpoints

Configure the SAP Ariba outbound and inbound endpoints in the SAP Ariba application. Once an endpoint is configured, you must update the endpoint in the web services tasks in the SAP Ariba application.

Configure the SAP Ariba Application Outbound Endpoint

When you need to configure the SAP Ariba Adapter as a trigger (source) connection in an integration, you must configure the SAP Ariba application outbound endpoint in the SAP Ariba application. For example, you must export required data to an outbound external system (such as Oracle ERP, SAP ERP, and so on) from an SAP Ariba system with Oracle Integration. In this case, you need to configure the SAP Ariba application outbound endpoint in the SAP Ariba application to export the data.

Configure the SAP Ariba Application Outbound Endpoint

  1. Log in to the SAP Ariba Spent Management application.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Core Administration (Downstream) / Administration (Upstream) > Integration Manager > End Point Configuration.
  3. Click Create New. The End Point Configuration - Create End Point page is displayed.
  4. Enter the required endpoint name.
  5. Select Outbound in the Type field.
  6. Paste the integration endpoint URL in the URL field.


    • This is the URL of the integration that you created in Oracle Integration.
    • Ensure that the endpoint URL contains a public IP with an open port.
  7. Provide the HTTP Authentication credentials.
  8. Click Save.

Update the Endpoint in the Web Services Task

  1. On the Home page, navigate to Manage > Core Administration (Downstream) / Administration (Upstream) > Integration Manager > Integration Configuration.
  2. Click Actions for the respective inbound web services task and select Edit.
  3. On the Edit data import/export task page, select the endpoint from the dropdown list in the End point field.
  4. Click Save.

Configure the SAP Ariba Application Inbound Endpoint

When you need to configure the SAP Ariba Adapter as an invoke (target) connection in an integration, you must configure the SAP Ariba application inbound endpoint in the SAP Ariba application. For example, you must import the required data from an outbound external system (such as Oracle ERP, SAP ERP, and so on) to an inbound SAP Ariba system with Oracle Integration. In this case, you must configure the SAP Ariba Application inbound endpoint in the SAP Ariba application to import the data.

Configure the SAP Ariba Application Inbound Endpoint

  1. Log in to the SAP Ariba Spent Management application.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Core Administration (Downstream) / Administration (Upstream) > Integration Manager > End Point Configuration.
  3. Click Create New. The End Point Configuration - Create End Point page is displayed.
  4. Enter the required endpoint name.
  5. Select Inbound in the Type field.
  6. Provide the HTTP Authentication credentials.
  7. Click Save.

Update the Endpoint in the Web Services Task

  1. On the Home page, navigate to Manage > Core Administration (Downstream) / Administration (Upstream) > Integration Manager > Integration Configuration.
  2. Click Actions for the respective outbound web services task and select Edit.
  3. On the Edit data import/export task page, select the endpoint from the dropdown list in the End point field.
  4. Click Save.

Configure the SAP Ariba Integration

Configure the SAP Ariba integration in Oracle Integration.

Enable the Import/Export Web Services Tasks

Enable the import/export web services tasks.

  1. Log in to the SAP Ariba Spent Management application.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Core Administration (Downstream) / Administration (Upstream) > Integration Manager > Integration Configuration.
  3. Search the required task name in the Search filters.
  4. Click Actions for the respective task, and select Enable.

Complete the SAP Ariba Adapter Test Connection

You must enable several tasks to complete the SAP Ariba Adapter test connection.

  1. Enable the following tasks to complete the SAP Ariba Adapter test connection.
    • Catalog Item Search (Downstream)
    • Import Document (Upstream)

See Enable the Import/Export Web Services Tasks.

Obtain the SAP Ariba Host Name and Partition (Site/Realm Name)

Obtain the SAP Ariba host name and partition.

  1. Log in to the SAP Ariba Spent Management application.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Core Administration (Downstream) / Administration (Upstream) > Integration Manager > Integration Configuration.
  3. Click Actions for the respective task and select Edit. The Edit Data Import/Export Task page is displayed.
  4. Click View WSDL. The WSDL opens in a new browser tab.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom or search the <soap:address> field. The host name and realm name appear in the <soap:address> field.
    <wsdl:port binding="typens:WSCatalogItemSearchBinding" name="WSCatalogItemSearchPortType">
      <soap:address location="https://Host_Name/Buyer/soap/Realm_Name/WSCatalogItemSearch"/>