Business Event Troubleshooting Issues

This section describes business event troubleshooting issues.

Event-Based Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Trigger Connections Fail When Configured with OAuth

When an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter trigger connection is configured with OAuth, you get the following error when attempting to receive events from Oracle Fusion Applications.

[2022-07-01T11:40:01.040+00:00] [oic_server1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '69' for 
queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: ] [ecid: <ECID>-00024ed8,0] [APP: Cloud Adapter Inbound Http App] 
[partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '69' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)
'BaseTransportServlet.createErrorInstance Rejected message FlowID = 5200020 Flow Name: <FLOW> Flow Version: 01.00.0000
[2022-07-01T11:50:01.049+00:00] [oic_server1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.adapter.tbacallback] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '92' 
for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: ] [ecid: <ECID>-00025562,0] [APP: Cloud Adapter Inbound Http App] 
[partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] OSCCloudUtils:getRefreshToken -> OIC Authentication properties are empty. Review 
the Integrations Trigger connection, test and save the connection and re-activate the integration flow. If the problem persists, 
please reach out to Oracle support.[2022-07-01T11:50:01.050+00:00] [oic_server1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: 
'92' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: ] [ecid: <ECID>-00025562,0] [APP: Cloud Adapter Inbound Http App] 
[partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] Unable to process SOAP Request for ic/ws/integration/v1/flows/erp/<FLOW>/1.0 due to: 
[[[ OIC Authentication properties are empty. Review the Integrations Trigger connection, 
test and save the connection and re-activate the integration flow. If the problem persists, please reach out to Oracle support.]

The Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter does not support this use case. Instead, configure the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter trigger connection with the Username Password Token security policy to successfully receive events.

Deactivate an Integration with Business Events

If the integration to deactivate contains a business event subscription, a message is displayed asking if you want to delete the event subscription. If you select to delete the event subscription, the integration does not receive any events after it is reactivated.

If you do not want to delete the event subscription, the events in this integration are resent if the integration is activated within six hours.

Multiple Data Sources with Different Callbacks For Each Data Source

You can have multiple data sources and therefore require different callbacks for each data source.

Perform the following steps to configure multiple callback integrations for the same FBDI job:

  1. When configuring a callback trigger connection, instead of selecting the in-built callback option, select Receive Business events raised within ERP Cloud on the Request page.
  2. Select the event ERP Integration Inbound event.
  3. Configure the filter on this event based on the document name in the event payload and ensure that the document name has a particular format that identifies the source of the data.

This enables multiple callbacks to be configured depending on the document name.

Payable Invoice-Related Events Are Not Being Sent from Oracle Fusion Applications

If payable invoice-related events are not being sent from Oracle Fusion Applications, see the following Oracle Fusion Applications document available at Oracle Support Services.

  1. Go to Oracle Support Services and search for Doc ID 2650773.1 (Payables Invoice Created : How to enable Payable Invoice creation event for OIC process).
  2. Set user profile ORA_AP_ENABLE_BUSINESS_EVENTS to Y in Oracle Fusion Applications, as described in this document.

Business Events or Objects Not Appearing in Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard

If business events or objects are not displayed for selection in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard, the cause may be incomplete or old metadata. The wizard may also fail with the following error.

Failed to fetch Business Events from Public Event Catalog. Either it
may be empty Or Cloud Application is not reachable due to improper OAM 
configuration on Cloud application. Please check if you are able to read 
Event catalog here:

Ensure that the following issues are satisfied:

  • The Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter is using the latest and most complete metadata. Select Refresh Metadata on the Connection page for the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter connection and retest. See Refresh Integration Metadata.
  • All prerequisites to create an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter connection have been satisfied. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

Business Event Received from a Nonproduction Oracle Fusion Applications Environment

Note the following issue and resolution when receiving a business event from a nonproduction Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

Problem Root Cause How to Diagnose Action Required
An Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter trigger endpoint in an Oracle Integration production environment received business events from an Oracle Fusion Applications test environment. An active business event subscription present in an Oracle Fusion Applications test environment is configured with an Oracle Integration production endpoint. This may occur because of the following:
  • You have activated an Oracle ERP Cloud business event callback flow in an Oracle Integration production environment with an Oracle Fusion Applications test environment connection setting.
  • This subscription is not deleted at the time of deactivation.
Check the PublicEvent subscription's REST resource with the Postman Get method and also check the endpoint URL for the related subscription.
REST resource:

This is a sample entry for a subscription in Oracle Fusion Applications:

      "csfKey": "idcs-5378d3136b9f423f",
      "filter": "<xpathExpr
      "name": "{}ICSGenericEventCRM",
      "id": "hczItaWmNsb3Vkb25saW5lLm1sOjQ0My9pY9",
      "state": true
If the subscription is not correct, delete the subscription with the Postman Delete method using the subscription ID:{id}