Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Oracle ERP Cloud instance and Microsoft Email instance in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and send order fulfillment notifications.

  1. Configure Oracle ERP Cloud
  2. Configure Microsoft Email

Configure Oracle ERP Cloud

To access the Oracle ERP Cloud instance from Oracle Integration, you'll require a separate user account on Oracle ERP Cloud.

Log in to your Oracle ERP Cloud instance as an Administrator and perform the following tasks.

  1. Create a user account for Oracle Integration. Make a note of the user name and password you set for the account. You'll use the credentials of this user account to connect to Oracle ERP Cloud from Oracle Integration.
  2. Assign the following roles to the user account. For more information, see Assign Required Roles to an Integration User in Using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter with Oracle Integration.
    • Integration Specialist
    • Oracle ERP Cloud-specific data access to the integration user

Configure Microsoft Email

Complete certain configuration tasks in your Microsoft Email instance to successfully connect to it from Oracle Integration.

  1. Log in to with administrator access.
  2. In the upper right, click the user icon and select Azure Portal.
  3. In the search field of the resulting page, enter app registration, and then select App registrations from the search results.
    Alternatively, scroll to the Azure services section in the page, and click App registrations.
  4. In the App registrations page, click New registration.
  5. In the Name field enter the user-facing display name for the application. For example, Oracle-ERP-MicrosoftEmail.
  6. In the Supported account types section, select who can use this application or access this API.
  7. In the Redirect URI (optional) section, select Web from the drop-down field, and enter the redirect URL.
  8. Click Register.
  9. Get the Client ID.
    1. In the left navigation pane, click Overview.
    2. Copy the value in the Application (client) ID field.
      Note down the value as it will be required while configuring the Microsoft Email connection from Oracle Integration.
  10. Get the Client secret.
    1. In the left navigation pane, click Certificates & secrets.
    2. In the Client secrets section, click New client secret.
    3. In the Add a client secret dialog:
      1. Enter a description in the Description field.
      2. Select the expiration time of the app from the options available in the Expires field.
      3. Click Add.
    4. In the resulting page, under the Client secrets section, copy the client secret value in the Value column.
      Note down the value as it will be required while configuring the Microsoft Email connection from Oracle Integration.
  11. Set the permissions and scopes for the application.
    1. In the left navigation pane, click API permissions.
    2. In the API permissions page, click Add a permission.
    3. In the resulting Request API permissions dialog, click Microsoft Graph.
    4. In the Select permission field, enter Mail.
    5. Expand the Mail section, to see the available permissions. Select the following permissions:
      • Mail.ReadWrite
      • Mail.Send
    6. Click Add permissions.