Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your ServiceNow instance and DocuSign instance inorder to connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and successfully send compliance documents from DocuSign to new ServiceNow users.

  1. Configure ServiceNow
  2. Configure DocuSign

Configure ServiceNow

You can use admin account credentials or custom account credentials while configuring the ServiceNow connection in Oracle Integration.

If you do not want to use an admin account, then create a custom integration user and assign the required role and permissions to the user. For information about creating a custom user, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the ServiceNow Adapter with Oracle Integration.

Configure DocuSign

You must complete the following prerequisite tasks to connect to DocuSign from Oracle Integration, and send compliance documents for new ServiceNow users.

  1. Create an App and Integration Key
  2. Create a Template
  3. Get the Template ID

Create an App and Integration Key

You must create an app and get information such as the integration key, that is the client ID, and the client secret to successfully connect to DocuSign from Oracle Integration.

  1. Log in to your DocuSign Developer account at
  2. On the DocuSign home page, click Settings on the title bar.
  3. In the left navigation menu, scroll down to INTEGRATIONS, and click Apps and Keys.
  4. On the Apps and Keys page, click ADD APP AND INTEGRATION KEY.
  5. In the Add Integration Key dialog, enter a name for the app in the App Name field, and click CREATE APP.
  6. On your app's page, under General Info, note the Integration Key. Click the Copy to clipboard icon to copy the integration key value.
    You'll need the integration key (client ID) value while configuring the DocuSign connection from Oracle Integration.
  7. In the Authentication section:
    1. Under User Application, select Authorization Code Grant.
    2. Under Secret Keys, click ADD SECRET KEY
    3. Click the Copy to clipboard icon to copy the secret key value.
    4. Note the secret key value. You'll need it later while configuring the DocuSign connection from Oracle Integration.
  8. In the Additional settings section, under Redirect URIs, click ADD URI and enter your redirect URI.

    Replace OIC_HOST and OIC_SSL_PORT with specific values to your Oracle Integration instance.

  9. Click Apps and Keys to go back to the Apps and Keys page. The newly created app is displayed under Apps and Integration Keys.
  10. Get the API Account ID.
    1. Under My Account Information of the Apps and Keys page, copy the API Account ID. Click the Copy to clipboard icon.
    2. Note the value of the API Account ID. You'll need it later while configuring the DocuSign connection from Oracle Integration.
  11. Get the DocuSign Account ID.
    1. Click the profile image on the upper-right side of the page.
    2. On the menu that displays, note the Account ID that is under name or organization name. You'll need it later while configuring the DocuSign connection and also for updating the integration properties in Oracle Integration.

Create a Template

The compliance document that is sent to new ServiceNow users from DocuSign must be based on a pre-defined template. You have to create and set up this template in DocuSign.

  1. Log in to your DocuSign account at
  2. On the DocuSign home page, click Templates on the title bar.
  3. In the left navigation pane, click New, and from the drop-down menu click Create Template.
  4. In the resulting window, enter a name and description for the template.
  5. In the Add Documents section:
    1. To add a file from your local storage, click UPLOAD.
    2. To add a file from one of the authorized cloud storage providers click GET FROM CLOUD, and choose an option from the drop-down menu. The available options are Box, DropBox, GoogleDrive, and OneDrive.
      See the topic Supported File Formats in the DocuSign eSignature User Guide.
  6. In the Add Recipients section:
    1. Enter the role of the recipient in the Role field.
    2. Enter the name of the recipient in the Name field.
    3. Enter the email of the recipient in the Email field.
    4. To add more recipients, click ADD RECIPIENT, and repeat the steps above.
    5. You can also enable bulk send for multiple recipients.
      See the topic Bulk Send for Multiple Recipients in the DocuSign eSignature User Guide.
    6. Optionally, you can set a routing method or add an authentication method.
    To learn more, see Add Recipients in the DocuSign eSignature User Guide.
  7. Scroll down to the Message to All Recipients section, and enter a standard email subject and message that you want to send to all the recipients of your template.
    See the topic Add Messages in the DocuSign eSignature User Guide.
  8. If you don't want to add any more fields to the template, click SAVE AND CLOSE.
  9. If you want to add fields, click NEXT and follow the steps described in Add Fields to Documents in the DocuSign eSignature User Guide.
  10. Click SAVE AND CLOSE.
Tip: To quickly access a topic in the DocuSign eSignature User Guide, you can search for the topic in the DocuSign | Support page (

Get the Template ID

You have to get the ID of the predefined template that you created in DocuSign and pass the template ID value to the integration properties so that the right compliance document is sent to new ServiceNow users.

  1. Log in to your DocuSign account at
  2. Click Templates on the title bar of the home page.
  3. Search for your template by entering your template's name in the Search field.
  4. Click the template to open it in the detail view.
  5. In the template's detail view, click the Template ID link.
  6. In the resulting Template ID dialog, click COPY to copy the template ID.
    You get a message that the template ID has been copied to the clipboard.
  7. Note the template ID. You'll need it later while updating the integration properties from Oracle Integration.