Scale an Oracle Integration Classic (User-Managed) Instance

In Oracle Integration Classic (user-managed), scaling lets you add or remove resources for an Oracle Integration Classic instance on demand in response to changes in load on the instance.

About Scaling Your Instance

You can scale an Oracle Integration Classic (user-managed) instance by scaling a cluster, a node in the instance.

About Scaling Out an Oracle Integration Classic (User-Managed) Cluster

Scaling out an Oracle Integration Classic cluster adds one node to the cluster.

Before scaling out an Oracle Integration Classic cluster, ensure that all these conditions are met:

  • You have the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Administrator role.

  • The instance is not under maintenance, such as during patching or backing up.

If any of these conditions is not met, the scaling operation fails and Oracle Integration Classic logs an error message.

Oracle Integration Classic logs a message when scaling out is started or completed, or when a failure is detected.

If an attempt to scale out a cluster fails, Oracle Integration Classic does the following:

  • Logs any diagnostic information.

  • Sets the status of the instance to RUNNING to allow other operations to continue.

  • Returns the instance to its original shape.

  • Deletes the node that it created to run the additional Managed Server instance.

About Scaling In an Oracle Integration Classic (User-Managed) Cluster

Scaling in an Oracle Integration Classic cluster removes the selected node from the cluster.

Before scaling in an Oracle Integration Classic cluster, ensure that the cluster contains at least one Managed Server node in addition to the node for the Administration Server and first Managed Server. You cannot scale in a cluster that contains only the node for the Administration Server and first Managed Server. If you no longer require that node, you must delete the entire instance.

By default, Oracle Integration Classic scales in a cluster gracefully by shutting down the Managed Server instance before removing the Managed Server instance from the cluster and terminating its node. To ensure that the node is removed even if the Managed Server instance is unresponsive, you can choose to forcibly scale in a cluster.

If an attempt to scale in a cluster fails, Oracle Integration Classic does the following:

  • Logs any diagnostic information.

  • Sets the status of the instance to RUNNING to allow other operations to continue.

  • Cleans up any stale resources.

Overview of Scaling Tasks for Your Instance

You perform scaling tasks for an Oracle Integration Classic (user-managed) instance as required.

The following table provides information about how to perform each task by using the web-browser-based Oracle Integration Classic administration console.

Task Description More Information

Scale out an Oracle Integration Classic cluster

Scale out an Oracle Integration Classic cluster to add one node to the cluster.

Scale Out an Oracle Integration Classic (User-Managed) Instance

Scale in an Oracle Integration Classic instance cluster

Scale in an Oracle Integration Classic cluster to remove a selected node from the cluster.

Scale In an Oracle Integration Classic (User-Managed) Instance

View scaling requests

View scaling requests to check the status of ongoing scaling requests, and the success or failure of previous requests.

Check Status of Scaling Requests 

Scale Out an Oracle Integration Classic (User-Managed) Instance

You can scale out an Oracle Integration Classic (user-managed) instance to add one node to the cluster. When you scale out, Oracle Integration Classic instance creates a new node running a WebLogic Server Managed Server instance.


Oracle Integration Classic allocates two threads per server to process scheduled integrations. You can scale out Oracle Integration Classic (add nodes) to increase the number of scheduled integrations that can run in parallel in a user-managed environment.

To scale out an Oracle Integration Classic instance cluster:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the name of your Oracle Integration Classic instance.
  3. Click Add a node to this instance icon or click Manage this service Manage this service icon and select Scale Out.
    The Scale Out dialog opens.
  4. To confirm you want to scale out the cluster, click Scale Out.
  5. After a few moments, click RefreshRefresh icon to update the page.
    You might need to click the icon more than once to see any change to the page.
After a few moments of processing, the new node appears on the Overview page. The Overview tile shows the number of nodes increased by one.


At any time during the scaling process, click Manage this serviceManage this service icon next to the instance name and select View Activity. The Activity page opens and you can see the scale-out status in the activity table.

Scale In an Oracle Integration Classic (User-Managed) Instance

You can scale in an Oracle Integration Classic (user-managed) instance to remove a selected node from the cluster. When you scale in, Oracle Integration Classic removes the selected WebLogic Server Managed Server instance and the virtual machine that it is running on.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the name of your Oracle Integration Classic instance.
  3. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Manage this node Manage this node icon for the node you want to remove and select Remove node.
    The Remove Node dialog box opens.
  4. In the Remove Node dialog box, click Remove Node.
  5. After a few moments, click Refresh Refresh icon to update the page.
    You might need to click the icon more than once to see any change to the page.
After a few moments of processing, the node is removed from the Overview page. The Overview tile will show the number of nodes decreased by one.


At any time during the scaling process, click Manage this service Manage this service icon next to the instance name and select View Activity. The Activity page will open and you can see the scale-in status in the activity table.

Check Status of Scaling Requests 

You can view scaling requests to check the status of ongoing Oracle Integration Classic (user-managed) scaling requests, and the success or failure of previous requests.

To view ongoing or past scaling requests:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click hamburger menu in the top left corner of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  3. Select Platform Services > Integration Classic.
  4. Click the name of your Oracle Integration Classic instance.
  5. On the page, click Manage this service Manage this service icon at the top of the page and select View Activity.
    The Activity page of the Platform Services Console opens.
  6. In the Search Activity Log panel, enter the necessary search criteria:
    Option Description
    Start Time Range The date and time range within which you want to see scaling activity.
    Operation Status The status of the scaling activity you want to view. This option will filter out all scaling activity not in this status. To see all status, select All.
    Instance Name The name of the service instance for which you want to see scaling activity.
    Service Type This should be Oracle Integration.
    Operation The operation for which you want to see activity. In the case of scaling, select any or all of these options:
    • Scale Application

    • Scale In

    • Scale Out

    • Scale Up/Down

  7. Click Search.
    All scaling activity that meets the search criteria appears in the results table. The Status column will indicate whether the scaling operation succeeded or failed. To see more details about a specific operation, click its drop-down control.