Use Features Together

You can use Oracle Integration features together in a number of ways.

Use Integrations in Process Applications

You can incorporate integrations into processes directly from the process editor. Drag and drop an integration element from the palette to the process flow, and select the active integration to call.

See Configuring Integrations in Using Processes in Oracle Integration Generation 2.

Use Process Applications in Integrations

You can invoke a process from an orchestrated integration. When you drag the process node into an integration, the Select Process wizard prompts you to select an application, process, and operation to invoke.

See Connecting to Processes in Using Processes in Oracle Integration Generation 2.

Use Processes in Visual Builder Applications

You can use processes in Visual Builder applications to automate task assignment and create task lists. After you associate a Visual Builder custom business object with a process, you can add triggers, UI actions, and UI components to pages to start processes and enable user tasks to be completed.

See Creating Processes for Business Objects in Using Oracle Visual Builder - Classic Applications.