Manage an Integration as an API with Oracle API Platform Cloud Service

You can manage integrations as APIs and group several integrations as a single API using the API Platform Cloud Service integration.

Create a New API in Oracle API Platform Cloud Service Using an Integration

You can create APIs in API Platform Cloud Service from your integrations with the API Platform Cloud Service integration.

Before you begin:

To manage an integration as an API:
  1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Integrations > Integrations.
  2. Go to the row of the integration you want to manage with API Platform Cloud Service.
  3. Select API Platform from the Actions menu menu.
  4. From the Operation list, select Create New API.
  5. In the API Name field, enter a name for the API.
  6. In the Version field, enter a version for the API.
  7. In the API Endpoint URL field, enter the endpoint you want the API to receive requests at when deployed to an API Platform Cloud Service gateway. The API Endpoint URL must be unique for each API deployed to an API Platform Cloud Service gateway.
  8. (Optional) In the API Description field, enter a brief description of your integration. This description is displayed in the API Platform Cloud Service Management and Developer Portals.
  9. (Optional) To deploy the API to a gateway, select Deploy API, and then select the gateways you want to deploy the API to. Only gateways the user (specified in Connect to Oracle API Platform Cloud Service) has deployment rights for are displayed. This option is grayed out if the user doesn’t have the Deploy to Gateway or Request Deployment to Gateway grant for any gateways.
  10. (Optional) To publish the API to the Developer Portal, select Publish API, and then enter a vanity name into the API Portal URL field. The vanity name must be unique for each API managed by API Platform Cloud Service. This option is grayed out if the user doesn’t have the required grants to publish to the Developer Portal.
  11. Click Create.
The API is created in the API Platform Cloud Service Management Portal. It is also deployed or published if you chose those options.
After creating the API, you can manage it in the API Platform Cloud Service Management Portal.

Group an Integration in an API in Oracle API Platform Cloud Service

You can group multiple integrations together to manage them as a single API in API Platform Cloud Service.

This makes it easy for you to combine multiple related integrations into a single API in API Platform Cloud Service.

Each integration you group adds a condition to a Resource Based Routing Policy applied to the API in API Platform Cloud Service. When a request is sent to a deployed API requesting the resource you specified for your integration, this policy routes the request to your integration’s endpoint (if the request is passed by all policies in the execution flow before the Resource Based Routing policy).

Example: You have two integrations, one for managing orders and another for managing inventory for your pet store. You want to expose these to application developers, but you want to manage who uses them and how many requests are routed to your integrations. To make management and discovery easier, you can group these integrations in a single API in API Platform Cloud Service. When it’s deployed, the API will route requests to each integration based on the resource the client requests.

Before you begin:

To group an integration in an API:
  1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Integrations > Integrations.
  2. Go to the row of the integration you want to manage with API Platform Cloud Service.
  3. Select API Platform from the Actions menu menu.
  4. From the Operation list, select Add to Existing API.
  5. In the API Name field, enter the name of the API to add to the integration.


    Click the Search: API Name icon to view the APIs you can add the integration to.

  6. (Optional) To deploy the API to a gateway, select Deploy API, and then select the gateways you want to deploy the API to. Only gateways for which the user (specified in Connect to Oracle API Platform Cloud Service) has deployment rights are displayed. This option is disabled if the user doesn’t have the Deploy to Gateway or Request Deployment to Gateway grant for any gateways.
  7. (Optional) To publish the API to the Developer Portal, select Publish API, then enter a vanity name into the API Portal URL field. This option is disabled if the user doesn’t have the Manage API grant for the API you selected.
  8. Click Create.
The integration is grouped with the API.
After grouping an integration with an API, you can manage it in the API Platform Cloud Service Management Portal.

Ungroup an Integration from an API

You can ungroup an integration from an API it was previously grouped in.

When you ungroup an API, the condition for the ungrouped integration is removed from the Resource-Based Routing policy applied to the API. If the API is redeployed if it is deployed to a gateway and republished if it is published to the Developer Portal.


This task removes an integration that has been grouped with others in an API, described in Group an Integration in an API in Oracle API Platform Cloud Service. Don’t use this operation if the integration is the only endpoint added for an API. Delete the API in the API Platform Cloud Service Management Portal instead.

To ungroup an integration from an API:
  1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Integrations > Integrations.
  2. Go to the row of the integration you want to ungroup from an API.
  3. Select API Platform from the Actions menu menu.
  4. In the Operation list, ensure that Remove from Existing API is selected, then click Remove.

The integration is ungrouped from the API. The condition in the Resource Based Routing policy for the integration is removed from the API.


  • If the target API has only one integration grouped to it, ungrouping fails with this error:
    Remove from existing API failed due to the following reason: Operation failed: Unable to remove from a API which contains a single endpoint
  • If the API is removed from API Platform Cloud Service, then ungrouping succeeds. You can then create an API from or group this integration to an API as usual.

After ungrouping an integration from an API, you can manage the API in the API Platform Cloud Service Management Portal.