How do decisions work in process applications?

Use the Decision Model editor as a canvas to define, test, and output decision logic for process applications. The editor supports the Decision Modeling and Notation (DMN) standard, version 1.1, and uses FEEL (Friendly Enough Expression Language) to make decision modeling easier and more intuitive.

Automate and reuse decisions throughout your business processes

In business, decisions are everywhere. Should this loan application or document change be approved? Should emergency vehicles be dispatched to this incident? How many bonus shopping points is this shopping cart worth?

Use the decision model framework to express a full range of automated decisions. Model your decisions as a tree of simple decisions, each automated using decision tables and simple expressions instead of production rules. Enter expressions in a simple standard expression language without worrying about quotation marks or special formatting. Then activate and use your decision models in one or more applications, and easily modify them as needed.

If you’re new to the editor, start here to learn the basics by creating and configuring a decision model and then test it before activating it.

Want to learn more about creating decision tables or complex logic structures such as functions, relations, or contexts? See Model Decision Logic. Wondering how decision models are deployed and used in applications? See Work with Decision Models.