Model Decision Logic

Model the decision logic by defining how each decision’s output is derived from its inputs.

You can use a bottom-up approach to define the logic within a decision model.

  1. To begin with, edit the supporting decision lowest in the order; that is, the decision that'll serve as input to other supporting decisions.

  2. Choose a suitable notation to obtain the required result, and configure logic to it using the input data variables. You can choose from several notations available, such as decision table, if-else expression, context, and so on.

  3. Proceed to the next level in the decision framework, and define the logic for other supporting decisions. You can use input data and results of other decisions while configuring the logic of a decision

  4. Lastly, edit the main output decision, which provides the result of the decision model.

  5. Finalize the decision model by iteratively fine-tuning the decision framework and the logic within each decision.

In Processes, you have the following notations to model the logic within a decision:

Unsure which notation to use, or how to best use it? See Best Practices for Modeling Decision Logic.