Edit a Map

After you create the map, you need to edit it to define its boundaries of the Geo-Fence you want use with your IoT application.

To edit a map:
  1. From the Management Console’s Home menu, click Applications.
    Description of applications-menu.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration applications-menu.jpg
  2. Click the IoT Application’s name to go to its home page and then click Data and Explorations.
    Description of select-exploration.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration select-exploration.jpg
  3. From the Data and Explorations page, click Explorations and in the Maps section, select a map and click Edit.
  4. Click the Saved Geo-Fences icon to view the saved mapssaved geo-fence icon
  5. From the map’s list, select the saved geo-fence.
  6. Use the dialog to modify the information about the saved geo-fence.
  7. Use the Visibility icon to toggle the visibility of the selected geo-fence on the map.
  8. Use the Delete icon to remove the saved geo-fence.
  9. Click Back to return to the Data and Explorations page.