C Porting Layer API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service Client Software Library. Release E80003-19
Headers List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
iotcs_port_crypto.h [code]The file contains porting layer for cryptography
iotcs_port_diagnostic.h [code]The file contains porting layer for functionality required by diagnostic capability
iotcs_port_memory.h [code]The file contains porting layer for memory allocation functionality
iotcs_port_mutex.h [code]The file contains porting layer for mutexes
iotcs_port_queue.h [code]The file contains porting layer for implementation of the blocking queue
iotcs_port_ssl.h [code]The file contains porting layer for ssl functionality
iotcs_port_system.h [code]The file contains porting layer for system methods
iotcs_port_thread.h [code]The file contains porting layer for threads