C Porting Layer API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service Client Software Library. Release E80003-19
iotcs_port_diagnostic.h File Reference

The file contains porting layer for functionality required by diagnostic capability. More...

#include "iotcs_config.h"

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int iotcs_port_get_ip_address (char *buffer, int buf_len)
 Writes ip address of the device as a null terminated string to a given buffer Returned string is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of ipAddress property.
int iotcs_port_get_mac_address (char *buffer, int buf_len)
 Writes mac address of the device as a null terminated string to a given buffer Returned string is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of macAddress property.
int64_t iotcs_port_get_start_time (void)
 Returns device start time in milliseconds since epoch Returned value is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of startTime property.
const char * iotcs_port_get_version (void)
 Returns version as a null terminated string Returned string is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of version property.
uint64_t iotcs_port_get_total_disk_space (void)
 The total disk space in bytes on this directly connected device Returned value is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of totalDiskSpace property.
uint64_t iotcs_port_get_free_disk_space (void)
 The free disk space in bytes on this directly connected device Returned value is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of freeDiskSpace property.

Detailed Description

The file contains porting layer for functionality required by diagnostic capability.

Function Documentation

uint64_t iotcs_port_get_free_disk_space ( void  )

The free disk space in bytes on this directly connected device Returned value is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of freeDiskSpace property.

Optional API. Called by the Library if IOTCS_USE_DIAGNOSTIC_CAPABILITY option is defined.
free disk space in bytes on this directly connected device.
int iotcs_port_get_ip_address ( char *  buffer,
int  buf_len 

Writes ip address of the device as a null terminated string to a given buffer Returned string is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of ipAddress property.

Optional API. Called by the Library if IOTCS_USE_DIAGNOSTIC_CAPABILITY option is defined.
bufferoutput buffer
buf_lenlength of the output buffer
The number of characters written to buffer, not counting the terminating null character.
Negative value otherwise (including cases when buffer is too small for the string)
int iotcs_port_get_mac_address ( char *  buffer,
int  buf_len 

Writes mac address of the device as a null terminated string to a given buffer Returned string is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of macAddress property.

Optional API. Called by the Library if IOTCS_USE_DIAGNOSTIC_CAPABILITY option is defined.
bufferoutput buffer
buf_lenlength of the output buffer
The number of characters written to buffer, not counting the terminating null character.
Negative value otherwise (including cases when buffer is too small for the string)
int64_t iotcs_port_get_start_time ( void  )

Returns device start time in milliseconds since epoch Returned value is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of startTime property.

Optional API. Called by the Library if IOTCS_USE_DIAGNOSTIC_CAPABILITY option is defined.
Device start time if success
Negative value otherwise
uint64_t iotcs_port_get_total_disk_space ( void  )

The total disk space in bytes on this directly connected device Returned value is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of totalDiskSpace property.

Optional API. Called by the Library if IOTCS_USE_DIAGNOSTIC_CAPABILITY option is defined.
total disk space in bytes on this directly connected device.
const char* iotcs_port_get_version ( void  )

Returns version as a null terminated string Returned string is sent to IoT server in response to /info request of urn:oracle:iot:dcd:capability:diagnostics device model as a value of version property.

Optional API. Called by the Library if IOTCS_USE_DIAGNOSTIC_CAPABILITY option is defined.
Version string address if success
NULL otherwise