

The device and enterprise client libraries simplify working with the Oracle IoT Cloud Service. These client libraries are a higher-level abstraction over top of messages and REST APIs. Device clients are designed to make it easy to expose device functionality to the IoT Cloud Service, while enterprise clients are designed to make it easy to inspect and control a device. The true state of a device is within the device itself (whether the light is on or off). A "virtual" device object is contained within the cloud and enterprise clients that represent the last-known state of that device, and allow enterprise clients to send commands and set attributes of the device model (e.g., "turn the light off").

Trusted Assets

Trusted assets are defined as material that contribute to the chain of trust between the client and the server. The client library relies on an implementation of the TrustedAssetsManager to securely manage these assets on the client. The client-library has a default implementation of the TrustedAssetsManager which uses a framework native trust-store to secure the trust assets. To create the trust-store for the default TrustedAssetsManager, the user must run the TrustedAssetsProvisioner tool by using the script provided in the tools depending if the provision is made for the enterprise or device client library. Usage is available by running the tool without arguments.

Device Models

A device model is a predefined specification of the attributes, formats and resources of a device that can be accessed by the client-library. The attributes of a device model represent the basic variables that the device supports, such as temperature, humidity, flow rate, valve position, and so forth. The formats of a device model define the structure of a message payload. A format describes the message attributes by specifying the attribute names, types, optionality, and default values. The resources of a device model define additional, ad-hoc REST resources which provide richer REST support than what is possible with attributes and formats.

The client library has explicit API for obtaining a device model (iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient#getDeviceModel or iotcs.device.DirectlyConnectedDevice#getDeviceModel). This will generate for a specified urn the device model associated with it and registered in the cloud as JSON objects that contain all the attributes, actions ant other specific information for a device model. With the generated model a virtual device can be created that encapsulates all the device functionality based on a specific model. If a device has more than one model associated, for each model a different virtual device can be crated and monitored/controlled.

Device Policies

A policy is a set of rules and constraints that can be associated with a device client (see below) to control its basic data transformation and transfer behavior. Device policies are automatically loaded, if they have been configured for the device, and there is no direct API in the library for manipulating the policies. The policies are applied when a value is offered to a iotcs.device.VirtualDevice.

Enterprise Client

Both enterprise and device clients share common API for getting and setting values through a user-interface (in the case of an enterprise-client application) and for getting and setting values on a physical device (in the case of a device-client application).

An enterprise-client application will create an iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient based on an application already created on the server using the static method iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient.newClient. A list of applications that the user has access to can be retrieved by using the static method iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient.getApplications. From there, the application can list all the device models that are registered with it by using iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient#getDeviceModels. After selecting models the list of active devices that have the selected models can be retrieved by using iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient#getActiveDevices. After selecting combination of models/devices, using the device id's and retrieved models the application can create instances of iotcs.enterprise.VirtualDevice which provides access to monitor and control the devices.

Device Client

A device-client application will create a iotcs.device.DirectlyConnectedDevice or a iotcs.device.GatewayDevice (for indirectly connected devices registration) based on a device already registered on the server that has a logical ID already assigned and saved in a {endpointId}.json generated based on that ID and shared secret associated with the device registered by the TrustedAssetsProvisioner. If the device should be checked if is activated and if is not then the activation should be done. In the course of the activation trusted material used for future authentication with the server will be generated by the TrustedAssetsManager and saved in the {endpointId}.json. In the activation method the model URN's (and capabilities) that the client is implementing (if any) must be given as parameters.

After activation (done only if needed) the client should retrieve the device models for the URN's that it is implementing or that other indirectly connected device that is registering in the future are implementing by using the iotcs.device.DirectlyConnectedDevice#getDeviceModel or iotcs.device.GatewayDevice#getDeviceModel methods.

If the client is a iotcs.device.GatewayDevice, it can use the iotcs.device.GatewayDevice#registerDevice method to register other indirectly connected devices that it is using. The server will assign logical endpoint id's to these devices and return them to the client.
Be aware that all endpoint id's assigned by the server to indirectly connected devices must be persisted and managed by the device application to use them for creating virtual devices. There is no method for retrieving them from the server side and at an eventual device application restart the id's must be reused.

After selecting combination of logical endpoint id's (including the client own id) and device models, the client can create instances of iotcs.device.VirtualDevice by using the constructor or the iotcs.device.DirectlyConnectedDevice#createVirtualDevice and iotcs.device.GatewayDevice#createVirtualDevice methods which provides access to messaging to/from the cloud for the specific logical devices.


Enterprise Client Quick Start

//The following steps must be taken to run an enterprise-client application.

var appName;
var ec;
var model;
var deviceId;
var device;

// 1. Select an application

         response.items.forEach(item => {
             //select and application and set appName (the application name)
     }, error => {
         //handle error in enumeration

// 2. Initialize enterprise client

function initializeEnterpriseClient(){
     iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient.newClient(appName, (client, error) => {
         if (!client || error) {
             //handle client creation error
         ec = client;

// 3. Select a device model available in the app

function selectDeviceModel(){
         .then(response => {
             response.items.forEach(item => {
                 //select a device model and set model
         }, error => {
             //handle error in enumeration

// 4. Select an active device implementing the device model

function selectDevice(){
         .then(response => {
             response.items.forEach(item => {
                 //select a device and set the deviceId
         }, error => {
             //handle error in enumeration

// 5. Create a virtual device for this model

function createVirtualDevice(){
     device = ec.createVirtualDevice(deviceId, model);

// 6. Monitor the device through the virtual device

function monitorVirtualDevice(){
     device.onChange = onChangeTuple => {
         //print the new value and attribute
         console.log('Attribute '+onChangeTuple.attribute.name+' changed to '+onChangeTuple.newValue);
         //process change
     device.onAlerts = alerts => {
         for (var key in alerts) {
             alerts[key].forEach(alert => {
                 //print alert
                 console.log('Received time '+alert.eventTime+' with data '+JSON.stringify(alert.fields));
                 //process alert

// 7. Update the value of an attribute

function updateVirtualDeviceAttribute(){
     device.onError = onErrorTuple => {
         //handle error case on update
     device.attributeName.value = someValue;

// 8. Execute action on virtual device

function executeVirtualDeviceAction(){
     device.someAction.onAction = response => {
         //handle execute action response from server

// 9. Dispose of the device


// 10. Dispose of the enterprise client


Device Client Quick Start

//The following steps must be taken to run a device-client application. This
//sample is for a gateway device that does not implement any specific model
//that registers one indirectly connected device.
//The model must be already in the cloud registered.

var trustedAssetsFile = '0-SOMEID.json';
var trustedAssetsPassword = 'changeit';

var gateway;
var model;
var indirectDeviceId;
var indirectDevice;
var indirectDeviceSerialNumber = 'someUniqueID' ;
var indirectDeviceMetadata = {};

// 1. Create the device client (gateway)

gateway = new iotcs.device.GatewayDevice(trustedAssetsFile, trustedAssetsPassword);

// 2. Activate the device if needed

if (!gateway.isActivated()) {
     gateway.activate([], (device, error) => {
         if (!device || error) {
             //handle activation error
} else {

// 3. Select the device model

function selectDeviceModel(){
     gateway.getDeviceModel('urn:myModel', (response, error) => {
         if (!response || error) {
             //handle get device model error
         model = response;

// 4. Register an indirectly connected device

function enrollDevice(){
     gateway.registerDevice(indirectDeviceSerialNumber, indirectDeviceMetadata, ['urn:myModel'],
         (response, error) => {
             if (!response || error) {
                 //handle enroll error
             indirectDeviceId = response;

// 5. Create a virtual device for the indirectly connected device

function createVirtualDevice(){
     device = gateway.createVirtualDevice(deviceId, model);

// 6. Monitor the device through the virtual device (it has two actions: power and reset)

function monitorVirtualDevice(){
     device.onChange = onChangeTuple => {
         //print the new value and attribute
         console.log('Attribute '+onChangeTuple.attribute.name+' changed to '+onChangeTuple.newValue);
         //process change
         throw new Error('some message'); //if some error occurred
     device.power.onAction = value => {
         if (value) {
             //shutdown the device
         } else {
             //start the device
     device.reset.onAction = () => {
         //reset the device
         throw new Error('some message'); //if some error occurred

// 7. Update the value of an attribute

function updateVirtualDeviceAttribute(){
     device.onError = onErrorTuple => {
         //handle error case on update
     device.attributeName.value = someValue;

// 8. Raise an alert to be sent to the cloud

function sendVirtualDeviceAlert(){
     var alert = device.createAlert('urn:myAlert');
     alert.fields.mandatoryFieldName = someValue;
     alert.fields.optionalFieldName = someValue; //this is optional

// 9. Dispose of the virtual device


// 10. Dispose of the gateway device client


Storage Cloud Quick Start

// This shows how to use the Virtualization API to upload content to,
// or download content from, the Oracle Storage Cloud Service.
// To upload or download content, there must be an attribute, field,
// or action in the device model with type URI.
// When creating a DataItem for an attribute, field, or action of type URI,
// the value is set to the URI of the content in cloud storage.

// Uploading content

// An instance of iotcs.device.StorageObject is first needed to upload a file
// from a device client or from an enterprise client.
// The StorageObject is created using the createStorageObject API in iotcs.Client,
// which is the base class for iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient, iotcs.device.DirectlyConnectedDevice,
// and iotcs.device.GatewayDevice. The StorageObject names the object in storage,
// and provides the mime-type of the content.
// To set the input path, the StorageObject API setInputPath(string path) is used.

// This example shows the typical use case from a DirectlyConnectedDevice.
// But the code for a GatewayDevice or EnterpriseClient is the same.

var storageObjectUpload = gateway.createStorageObject("uploadFileName", "image/jpg");
virtualDevice.attributeName.value = storageObjectUpload;
// OR
virtualDevice.update({attributeName: storageObjectUpload});

// A StorageObject may also be set on an Alert field, or as an Action parameter,
// provided the type in the device model is URI

// Downloading content

// In the Virtualization API, the client is notified through an onChange tuple,
// onAlert tuple, or a call callback for an action. The value in the tuple is a StorageObject.
// To download the content, the output path is set on the StorageObject,
// and the content is synchronized by calling the StorageObject sync() API.

// This example shows the typical use case from an onChange event.
// The code for an onAlert or for an action callback is much the same.

virtualDevice.attributeName.onChange = tuple => {
    var name = tuple.attribute.id;
    var storageObject = tuple.newValue;
    // only download if image is less than 4M
    if (storageObject.getLength() < 4 * 1024 * 1024) {

// Checking synchronization status

// A StorageObject is a reference to some content in the Storage Cloud.
// The content can be in sync with the storage cloud, not in sync with the storage cloud,
// or in process of being sync'd with the storage cloud.
// The synchronization can be monitored by setting a SyncCallback with onSync.
// For the upload case, set the onSync callback on the storage object
// before setting the virtual device attribute.
// For the download case, set the onSync callback on the storage object
// from within the onChange callback.

storageObject.onSync = event => {
    var sourceStorageObject = event.getSource();
    if (sourceStorageObject.getSyncStatus() === iotcs.device.StorageObject.SyncStatus.IN_SYNC) {
        // image was uploaded
    } else if (sourceStorageObject.getSyncStatus() === iotcs.device.StorageObject.SyncStatus.FAILED) {
        // image was not uploaded, take action!
