Class: Alert

iotcs.device.Alert(virtualDevice, formatUrn)

new Alert(virtualDevice, formatUrn)

The Alert is an object that represents an alert type message format defined in the formats section of the device model. Alerts can be used to send alert messages to the server.

The Alert API is specific to the device client library and the alerts can be created by the VirtualDevice objects or using them. For setting the fields of the alert as defined in the model, the fields property of the alert will be used e.g.:
alert.fields.temp = 50;

The constructor of the Alert should not be used directly but the iotcs.device.VirtualDevice#createAlert method should be used for creating alert objects.

Name Type Description
virtualDevice iotcs.device.VirtualDevice The virtual device that has in it's device model the alert specification.
formatUrn string The URN format of the alert spec.
  • iotcs.device.VirtualDevice#createAlert


(readonly) description :string

The description of this Alert.
  • string

(readonly) fields :object

The fields object for this Alert. Specific fields can be referenced by referencing the field name from the fields object. For example, to reference a field named 'myName', use 'alertName.fields.myName'.
  • object

(readonly) name :string

The name of this Alert.
  • string

(nullable) onError :iotcs.device.Alert~onErrorCallback

(Optional) Callback function called when there is an error sending the Alert. May be set to null to un-set the callback.

(readonly) urn :string

The URN of this Alert. This is the Alert's device model URN.
  • string


(static) raise()

This method is used to actually send the alert message to the server. The default severity for the alert sent is SIGNIFICANT. All mandatory fields (according to the device model definition) must be set before sending, otherwise an error will be thrown. Any error that can arise while sending will be handled by the VirtualDevice.onError handler, if set.

After a successful raise all the values are reset so to raise again the values must be first set.


Type Definitions


Callback function called when there is an error sending the Alert.
Name Type Description
error string The error which occurred when sending this Alert.
