Viewing Metrics on the Metrics Page

The Metrics page is a view-only page that shows storage, application, and data source statistics for a service instance.

The Metric page is divided into two sections, one side of the page contains links to the three informational components while the other side shows the actual metrics for the selected component:
  • Storage; select Storage to see a pie chart depicting how the service instance is using customer disk storage (as shown in the preceding example).

  • Applications; select Applications to open a list of all applications used by the service instance. Next, select the desired application. A table appears containing the name, description, and value that application.

    Data presented is:
    • Active Sessions Count; that is, the number of current active sessions.

    • Request Processing Time; that is, the average amount of time it takes a request to process.

    • Request Count; that is, the number of requests.

    You can also select Servlet Metrics to see the same data for each servlet running on the application
  • Data Source Metrics; select Data Sources to open a list of all data sources used by the service instance. Next, select the desired data source. A table appears containing the name, description, and value for the data source:
    • Open JDBC Connections Count; that is, the current number of open JDBC connections.

    • Connections Total Count; that is, the current total number of connections, both open and closed.

    • JDBC Connection Create Count; that is, numberof JDBC connections created.