Analyze Oracle E-Business Suite Data

You can analyze Oracle E-Business Suite data using the features of Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring, Oracle Log Analytics, and Oracle Application Performance Monitoring.

Analyze Data Using Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring

Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring simplifies monitoring by offering a common set of metrics that enable you to compare the performance across tiers. You can monitor the status and health across tiers and be alerted about issues, troubleshoot, and resolve them before they affect users.

For a typical workflow to use Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring for monitoring the availability and performance of your infrastructure, see Monitor the Availability and Performance of Your Infrastructure in Using Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring.

Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring has the following metrics for Oracle E-Business Suite:

Component Metrics


  • Active User Sessions

  • Active User Sessions By Responsibility

  • Executions by Program

  • Requests By Application

EBS Concurrent Processing

  • Capacity Utilization of Concurrent Managers

  • Long Active Concurrent Requests

  • Long Active Concurrent Requests By Manager

  • Users With Most Pending Requests

  • Users With Most Running Requests

EBS Forms System

  • Forms Database Sessions Per User

  • Forms Database Sessions Per Application

EBS Workflow Notification Mailer

  • Deferred Records

  • Inbound Notifications

  • Outbound Notifications

  • Queue Details

For the Long Active Concurrent Requests metrics in the EBS Concurrent Processing entity, you can select the elapsed time threshold and the maximum elapsed time. Navigate to Oracle Management Cloud home page > Administration > Entity Configuration > Configure Entities > Select EBS Concurrent Processing entity > In the Conguration Properties dialog box, select Metrics. Update the values of the fields Max Elapsed Time (days) - Long Active Requests and Elapsed Time Threshold - Long Active Requests (minutes). You can also select to view the metrics earliest-first or latest-first by specifying asc or desc respectively in the field Earliest (asc) / Latest (desc) - Long Active Requests.

The Slow Running and Long Pending Requests metrics under Long Active Concurrent Requests metrics are collected every 5 minutes.

Analyze Data Using Oracle Log Analytics

Using Oracle Log Analytics, you can reduce millions of log events into a smaller set of patterns. Oracle Log Analytics provides search and analytics capabilities to users through query language or visual builder to obtain useful information and slice and dice through data. It also provides different mechanisms to be proactive about issues through Machine Learning and Alerting capabilities. The following are the some of the tasks that you can perform on Oracle Log Analytics to analyze your log data:

Task More Information

Oracle E-Business Suite specific feature: Use out-of-the-box query for EBS Concurrent Requests analysis

Use the Getting Started Panel in Using Oracle Log Analytics

Oracle E-Business Suite specific use case: Visualize Time Series Data Using the Link Trend Feature

Visualize Time Series Data Using the Link Trend Feature in Using Oracle Log Analytics

Visualize data using charts and controls

Visualize Data Using Charts and Controls in Using Oracle Log Analytics

Perform advanced analytics using Link

Perform Advanced Analytics Using Link in Using Oracle Log Analytics

Detect anomalies using outliers

Detect Anomalies Using Outliers in Using Oracle Log Analytics

Perform dynamic log analysis

Perform Dynamic Log Analysis in Using Oracle Log Analytics

Analyze host log trends to proactively monitor infrastructure

Analyzing Host Log Trends to Proactively Monitor Infrastructure (Tutorial icon Tutorial)

Analyze Data Using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring

Oracle Application Performance Monitoring provides a platform for monitoring and managing your web applications. The following are the some of the tasks that you can perform on Oracle Application Performance Monitoring to analyze your applications:

Task More Information
Isolate and diagnose application performance issues

Isolate and Diagnose Application Performance Issues in Using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring

Gain end-to-end visibility into the performance of your application across all tiers

Monitor Application Performance in Using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring

Troubleshoot end user monitoring

Troubleshoot End User Monitoring in Installing and Configuring Oracle Application Performance Monitoring

Troubleshoot synthetic tests

Troubleshoot Synthetic Tests in Using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring

Drill down to the related logs in context to a problem and find its root cause

Drill Down to Related Logs in Using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring