Maps Visualization

You can use the Maps visualization in Oracle Log Analytics to view log records grouped by country or country code.

Before you can use Maps to view log records based on country or country codes, set the Field Enrichment options to populate the city, country, or country code fields under the Log Source section from the Oracle Log Analytics Configuration page. See Geolocation Lookup.
  1. Search for logs for a set of entities. See Search Logs by Entities.
  2. From the Visualize panel, select Map (open map).
    This displays a world map where log records are grouped by Client Coordinates, Client Host Continent, Client Host Continent Code, Client Host Country, Client Host Country Code, Client Host City, Client Host Region, or Client Host Region Code.

    The following example shows the map where the log records are grouped by continent:

    The following example shows the map where the log records are grouped by country: