Add Oracle GoldenGate

You can add Oracle GoldenGate entities using the Add Entity UI or using the cloud agent command line interface (omcli) with the appropriate JSON files.

Step 1: Prepare Oracle GoldenGate for monitoring.


Oracle GoldenGate enables the continuous, real-time capture, routing, transformation, and delivery of transactional data across heterogeneous (Oracle, DB2, MySQL, SQL Server, Teradata) environments. The following prerequisites apply when discovering and monitoring Oracle GoldenGate environments.

Enable Monitoring

The first prerequisite is to enable monitoring in GoldenGate. Follow the steps below for your specific GoldenGate version and architecture.

Classic Architecture

If you are using GoldenGate Classic Architecture, you will need to add a parameter in the GLOBALS file to enable monitoring.

You must be running GoldenGate version at a minimum. This is a cumulative patch set for GoldenGate released in Jan 9, 2019.

  1. Locate the GLOBALS file in the top-level GoldenGate installation directory.
  2. Add the following line to this file and save the file:
  3. Restart GoldenGate Manager.

Microservices Architecture

If you are using GoldenGate Microservices Architecture, then as part of the setup of GoldenGate using the GoldenGate Configuration Assistant, you should enable Monitoring. Once monitoring has been enabled, the Performance Metric Server will be started. This is an indication that monitoring has been enabled for GoldenGate.

OCI GoldenGate

If you are using OCI GoldenGate, no prerequisites are required. Monitoring is enabled by default.

Import Certification for GoldenGate Secure Installations

If the Oracle GoldenGate setup is secure (HTTPS), the GoldenGate certificate needs to be imported into the agent manually prior to discovery. To do this, perform the following:
  1. Extract the certificate from Oracle GoldenGate.
    openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <hostname>:<service port>
  2. Add the Oracle GoldenGate certificate to the cloud agent's JKS.
    <jdk>/bin/keytool -importcert -file <goldengate-certificate> -alias goldengate -keystore <AGENT_HOME>/agent_inst/sysman/config/montrust/AgentTrust.jks -storepass welcome
  3. Bounce the cloud agent.
    omcli stop agent ; omcli start agent

Step 2: Decide how you want to add Oracle GoldenGate.

You can add Oracle GoldenGate entities using one of two ways:

  • Add them from UI
  • Use the agent's omcli add_entity command with the appropriate JSON files

Adding Entities from the UI

  1. From the Management Cloud main menu, select Administration, Discovery, and then Add Entity. The Add Entity page displays.
  2. Select the Oracle GoldenGate Entity Type.
  3. Enter the following UI properties.
    Oracle GoldenGate UI Fields


    Credentials are required only for Oracle GoldenGate Microservice architecture. No credentials are required for Oracle GoldenGate Classic architecture.


    • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
    • Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
    • Port: Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager port (if Microservice architecture). Performance Metric port if available, else Manager Port (if Classic architecture). Port to connect to OCI GoldenGate Service instance (if OCI GoldenGate architecture)
    • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
    • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Oracle GoldenGate is installed.


    • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
    • Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
    • Service Manager Port: Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager port (if Microservice architecture). Otherwise, Performance Metric port if available, else Manager Port (if Classic architecture)
    • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
    • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Oracle GoldenGate is installed.

    OCI GoldenGate

    • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
    • Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
    • Port: Port to connect to OCI GoldenGate Service instance, for example, 443.
    • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
    • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Oracle GoldenGate is installed. The agent needs to be version 1.60 or higher.

    Monitoring Credentials (Oracle GoldenGate Credentials)

    • Username: Oracle GoldenGate Username
    • Password: Oracle GoldenGate Password

See Add Entities from the Console for detailed instructions on using the Add Entity UI.

Using omcli and the Appropriate JSON Files

  1. Download and extract the required JSON file(s) from the master JSON zip file. See the table below for the specific JSON files you'll need.
  2. Edit the file(s) and specify the requisite properties shown below.
    Oracle GoldenGate JSON Files and Properties


    Credentials are required for both Oracle GoldenGate Microservice and Oracle GoldenGate OCI architectures. No credentials are required for Oracle GoldenGate Classic architecture.

    Definition Files




    • host_name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
    • omc_port: Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager port (if Microservice architecture). Performance Metric port if available, else Manager Port (if Classic architecture). Port to connect to OCI GoldenGate Service instance (if OCI GoldenGate architecture).
    • omc_ogg_arch: Architecture - Microservice, Classic or OCI
    • omc_ogg_conn_timeout: Connection Timeout in Seconds (Default 15 sec)

    Credential File: omc_oracle_goldengate_sample_creds.json

    Credentials (Microservice and OCI architecture only)

    • Alias: Oracle GoldenGate Username
    • Password: Oracle GoldenGate Password
  3. Add the entity using omcli.
    omcli add_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE [-credential_file CREDENTIAL_FILE [-encryption_method_gpg]] 
  4. Verify the status of the newly added entity.
    omcli status_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE

See step 4. Adding Entities to Your Service of Add Entities Using JSON Files for more information.

Step 3: (Optional but recommended) Set up alerts.

To enable lights-out monitoring, you can set up alert rules to generate alerts and send notifications if your entities have performance issues.

See Set Up Alert Rules and Set Up Alert Thresholds and Notifications.

Step 4: (Optional) Enable or Disable Log Collection for Oracle GoldenGate .

Optionally, you can use Log Analytics to monitor GoldenGate entity logs by associating them with the corresponding log sources. From the Discovery UI, click the Associate Logs option.

IMPORTANT: A local cloud agent (on the GoldenGate host) must be present before you can associate a GoldenGate entity with a log source. This agent must be monitoring the local OS (the OS should appear in the OMC UI). You can do this easily through the Discovery UI by specifying the cloud agent when adding the GoldenGate entity. Although you can add the GoldenGate entity without a cloud agent, log collection will not be enabled until an agent has been specified.

As with any Log Analytics integration, there needs to be an association between the Host and the entity for which you want to collect logs. For GoldenGate entities, this can be done easily through the Discovery UI. You enable log collection of the GoldenGate entities by associating them with the corresponding log sources. The Oracle GoldenGate entities and the corresponding log sources that you must associate them with are listed below:

Table C-1 GoldenGate Log Sources

GoldenGate Entity Log Sources
GoldenGate Service Manager Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager Logs
GoldenGate Performance Metric Server Oracle GoldenGate Performance Metric Server Logs
GoldenGate Admin Server Oracle GoldenGate Admin Server Logs
GoldenGate Distribution Server Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Server Logs
GoldenGate Receiver Server Oracle GoldenGate Receiver Server Logs
GoldenGate Deployment Oracle GoldenGate Extract/Replicat Event Logs
GoldenGate Deployment Oracle GoldenGate GGS Error Logs
GoldenGate Manager Oracle GoldenGate Manager Report Files

You can change the association of log sources with entities, add more log sources as suitable for your application, or remove some from the list of log sources that are automatically enabled for collection. For information about associating entities with corresponding log sources, see Work with Entity Associations in Using Oracle Log Analytics.

Verifying Log Collection

Go to Oracle Log Analytics Home and verify the log collection. In case of error, you can take the following corrective actions:

  • Ensure that the path of the logs in the log sources is correct.

    To change the location of the logs, or to provide an additional path from where the logs of a specific log source can be collected, do the following:

    1. From Oracle Log Analytics, click the OMC Navigation (open menu icon) icon on the top left corner of the interface. In the OMC Navigation bar, click Log Admin.
    2. In the Log Sources section, click the available count of log sources link.
    3. Click Open Menu (open menu icon) next to the log source entry that you want to edit and select Edit. For example, EBS Concurrent Manager Logs

      The Edit Log Source page is displayed. In the Included Patterns tab, the default location of the logs is specified under the field File Name Pattern. For example, {omc_oracle_goldengate_admin_servercsf}/{omc_oracle_goldengate_admin_serverlog}/w*.mgr.

    4. Click Save.
  • Verify that the cloud agent user has access to the logs. Make the log files readable to the Oracle Management Cloud agents.

    See the section Requirement for Logs Collection on Unix in the topic Generic Prerequisites for Deploying Oracle Management Cloud Agents in Installing and Managing Oracle Management Cloud Agents.


If you run into any issues regarding discovery or monitoring of Oracle GoldenGate, see the following: