Add Oracle HTTP Server

You can add Oracle HTTP Server entities using the Add Entity UI or using the cloud agent command line interface (omcli) with the appropriate JSON files.

Step 1: Prepare Oracle HTTP Server for monitoring.


OHS 12 : Node Manager credentials are required.

Also, the following prerequisites must be met:
  • Cred-less (No credential file to be provided when running omcli add_entity during discovery) OHS discovery when the standalone OHS process owner and agent process owner are same user.

  • Cred-based: OHS discovery when the standalone OHS process owner and agent process owners are different users.


    cred-less and cred-based discovery is applicable for standalone OHS 11. For OHS 12, only cred-based discovery is supported

  • For HTTPS/Secured communication between OHS and the Cloud agent (for metric data collection) , the required certificate must be available with the agent in order for the SSL handshake to be successful. To make the certificate available with the agent :
    • Append the contents of your certificate file to the file : /sysman/config/b64InternetCertificate.txt

    • Ensure that only the following lines are appended to the b64InternetCertificate.txt file (that is, do not include blank lines, comments, or any other special characters):
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      <<<Certificate in Base64 format>>>
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    • Restart the agent by running the following commands :
      omcli stop agent;omcli start agent;

Step 2: Decide how you want to add the Oracle HTTP Server.

You can add Oracle HTTP Server entities using one of two ways:

  • Add them from UI
  • Use the agent's omcli add_entity command with the appropriate JSON files

Adding Entities from the UI

  1. From the Management Cloud main menu, select Administration, Discovery, and then Add Entity. The Add Entity page displays.
  2. Select the Oracle HTTP Server Entity Type.
  3. Enter the following UI properties.
    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) UI Fields
    • Entity Name: Name of your Oracl HTTP Server.
    • Host Name: Host Name of the Oracle HTTP Server
    • Oracle Home: Absolute path of the Oracle Home.
    • Instance Home(11g) / Domain Home: Absolute pathe of the Instance Home (11g)/Absolute pathe of the Domain Home (12c and later)
    • Component Name: Oracle HTTP Server component name.
    • Version: Oracle HTTP Server installed version.
    • Configuration Path: httpd:conf file directory path.
    • Listen Port: Port of the Oracle HTTP Server.
    • Protocol: Protocol used to connect to the Oracle HTTP Server. (HTTP/HTTPS)
    • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the hoste where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.

See Add Entities from the Console for detailed instructions on using the Add Entity UI.

Using omcli and the Appropriate JSON Files

  1. Download and extract the required JSON file(s) from the master JSON zip file. See the table below for the specific JSON files you'll need.
  2. Edit the file(s) and specify the requisite properties shown below.
    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) Files and Properties

    Definition File: omc_oracle_apache_sample.json

    • host_name: Host Name of the Oracle HTTP Server
    • port: Port of the Oracle HTTP Server
    • ohs_home: Absolute path of the Instance Home (11g)/ Absolute Path of the Domain Home (12c)
    • component_name: Component Name
    • protocol: Protocol for connecting to the Oracle HTTP Server
    • config_path: httpd.conf file directory path - file name not to be appended.
    • oracle_home: Absolute path of the Oracle Home
    • version: Version of OHS installed.

    Credential Files


    Use this credential JSON file if you are running OHS 12

    • nm_user_name: Node Manager username
    • nm_password: Node Manager password


    Use this credential JSON file if you are running OHS 11 (optional)

    • HostUserName: Host username
    • HostPassword: Host password
  3. Add the entity using omcli.
    omcli add_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE [-credential_file CREDENTIAL_FILE [-encryption_method_gpg]] 
  4. Verify the status of the newly added entity.
    omcli status_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE

See step 4. Adding Entities to Your Service of Add Entities Using JSON Files for more information.

Step 3: (Optional but recommended) Set up alerts.

To enable lights-out monitoring, you can set up alert rules to generate alerts and send notifications if your entities have performance issues.

See Set Up Alert Rules and Set Up Alert Thresholds and Notifications.


If you run into any issues regarding discovery or monitoring of Oracle HTTP Server, see the following: