Add Oracle VM Manager

You can add Oracle VM Manager entities using the Add Entity UI or using the cloud agent command line interface (omcli) with the appropriate JSON files.

Step 1: Prepare Oracle VM Manager for monitoring.


The cloud agent must be deployed on the Oracle VM Manager host.

Credentials: The username and password are required to access the Oracle VM Manager console.


username=admin / password=admin_pw


You need to explicitly add the Oracle VM Manager Weblogic certificate to the Agent's JKS.

How to extract certificate from Oracle VM Manager:

To export the Oracle VM Manager WebLogic certificate, log in as the root user and enter the following command:

#/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_upgrade/bin/             exportca >

To import the Oracle VM Manager Weblogic certificate to the Agent Keystore, log in as an Oracle cloud agent user and enter the following command:

<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/omcli secure             add_trust_cert_to_jks -trust_certs_loc
        <file_loc_for_certificate> -alias <alias_name>

Step 2: Decide how you want to add the Oracle VM Manager.

You can add Oracle VM Manager entities from the UI or using OMCLI and entity JSON files.

Adding Entities from the UI
  1. From the Management Cloud main menu, select Administration, Discovery, and then Add Entity. The Add Entity page displays.
  2. Select an Oracle VM Manager Entity Type.
  3. Enter the following UI properties.
    Oracle VM Manager UI Properties
    • Entity Name: Name appearing in the UI.
    • Oracle VM Manager Console URL: Oracle VM Manager console URL used to connect to the installed Oracle VM Manager. The URL follows the format: https://<ovm_host_name>:<port>/ovm where ovm_host_name is a fully-qualified host name where Oracle VM Manager is installed and port refers to the port number on which Oracle VM Manager is listening.
    • Cloud Agent: The cloud agent monitoring the Oracle VM Manager application.

    Monitoring Credentials

    • Admin Username: Oracle VM Manager username.
    • Admin Password: Oracle VM Manager password.

See Add Entities from the Console for more information.

Using omcli and the Appropriate JSON Files

  1. Download and extract the required JSON file(s) from the master JSON zip file. See the table below for the specific JSON files you'll need.
  2. Edit the file(s) and specify the requisite properties shown below.
    Oracle VM Manager JSON Files and Properties
    Definition File: omc_oracle_vm_manager.json
    • name: Your Oracle VM Manager name. This needs to be unique across OVM Managers used
    • display name: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring Service User Interface.
    • timezoneRegion:Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example:
    • omc_ovmm_console_url: Under “value”, provide the Oracle VM Manager console URL used to connect to the installed Oracle VM Manager. The URL follows the format: https://<ovm_host_name>:<port>/ovm where ovm_host_name is a fully-qualified host name where Oracle VM Manager is installed and port refers to the port number on which Oracle VM Manager is listening.
    Credential File: omc_oracle_vm_manager_creds.json
    • OVMUsername: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle VM Manager console user name(default admin) to be used for monitoring.
    • OVMPassword: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle VM Manager console monitoring user's password.

    Do not remove the square brackets.

  3. Add the entity using OMCLI.
    omcli add_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE [-credential_file CREDENTIAL_FILE [-encryption_method_gpg]] 
  4. Verify the status of the newly added entity.
    omcli status_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE

See step 4. Adding Entities to Your Service of Add Entities Using JSON Files for more information.

Step 3: (Optional but recommended) Set up alerts.

To enable lights-out monitoring, you can set up alert rules to generate alerts and send notifications if your entities have performance issues.

See Set Up Alert Rules and Set Up Alert Thresholds and Notifications.


If you run into any issues regarding discovery or monitoring of Apache HTTP Server, see the following: