9 Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring Administration Tasks

Typical Administration Tasks for Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring

Table 9-1 Typical Administration Tasks for Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring

Task Description More Information

Change the monitoring configuration.

Update the configuration properties of an entity in Oracle Management Cloud (such as port number) to reflect the change in the entity's configuration.

Change Monitoring Configuration

Add new global properties.

Create new global properties that can be applied to existing or new entities or entity types.

Create and Set Global Properties

Set values of global properties to one or more entities.

Set predefined global properties to one or more entities.

Create and Set Global Properties

Delete monitored entities.

Delete entities you no longer want to monitor by using the omcli command.

Delete Entities

Maintenance Windows

A maintenance window is a period of time designated to perform regular maintenance activities on monitored entities.

A maintenance window can be scheduled to run immediately or in the future, and to run indefinitely or stop after a specific duration. Notifications, such as emails and webhooks, are suppressed during the maintenance window. However, Oracle Management Cloud continues to monitor entities and display entity status, while indicating that the entity is currently under maintenance. Although events are generated during the maintenance window, event notifications are suppressed.

For more information about maintenance windows and how to create them, see Using the Maintenance Window.

Change Monitoring Configuration

Sometimes entities need to change certain configuration parameters. Oracle Management Cloud Services must be aware of these changes.

To change the monitoring configuration of your entities, from the global menu, select the Administration option and then:
  1. Select Entities Configuration from the global menu.

  2. Select Configure Entities from the left menu.

  3. Click on Select Entity to choose your entity. If you have a large number of entities, filter by Entity Type and then select your entity.

  4. Change the configuration parameters and then Save

For example, you can change the port number your database listens on using this interface, or directory locations or other configuration attributes.

This image shows the steps required to configure an entities properties, such as, the name, URL, server name, and the JDBC Driver location.

Create and Set Global Properties

You can create and set global properties in the Administration console in Oracle Management Cloud.

After you create a global property, it becomes available for all the entities present in the tenant. Setting the value of a global property for an entity allows you to group or filter the entities based on the property value.

For example, if you want to filter your Oracle Database entities by location, then you can create a global property called location, and set different values (such as Austin or Chicago) for that property for different Oracle Database entities.

Creating a Global Property

To create a global property:
  1. Select Administration in the Management Cloud navigation menu.
  2. Select Entity Configuration in the Administration navigation menu, then click Global Properties.
  3. Click Create New Global Property.
  4. In the Create New Global Property dialog box, enter the display name of the property and click OK.
The property is created and is now available to be used by an entity in the Oracle Management Cloud tenant.

Setting the Value of a Global Property

To set the value of a global property for a single or set of entities:
  1. Select Administration in the Management Cloud navigation menu.
  2. Select Entity Configuration in the Administration navigation menu, then click Global Properties.
  3. In the Select Entities dialog box, select the entities for which you want to set the global property value and click Select.
    The Global Properties page is displayed with the list of available global properties in the tenant.
  4. In the selected entities in the New Value field adjacent to the property name, enter the global property value that you want to set for the selected entities, and click Set.


    If a global property is set with different values for different entities, then (mixed) is displayed in the Value column for that property.

The value for the global property is now set for the selected entities.

Delete Entities

You can delete entities that you no longer want to monitor.


Delete Entities from the Administration Console

You can delete an entity from Oracle Management Cloud or view deleted entities in the Administration console.

  1. Select Administration in the Management Cloud navigation menu.
  2. Select Entity Configuration in the Administration navigation menu, then click Delete Entities.
  3. In the Select Entities dialog box, select the entities that you want to delete and click Select.
    The selected entities are displayed on the Delete Entities page. If you want to remove one of the selected entities, then click the Remove button adjacent to the entity.
  4. Click Delete <number> Entities to delete the selected entities.
View Deleted Entities
  1. On the Delete Entities page, click the Recently Deleted tab.
  2. Select a time frame in the View entities deleted drop-down list.
The entities deleted within the selected time frame are displayed.

Delete Entities Using omcli

You can delete a previously added entity using the omcli delete_entity command as shown below.

<AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_inst/bin/omcli delete_entity agent FILENAME

Where FILENAME is the name of the file that contains the entity definition to be deleted.


Say you want to delete the Oracle WebLogic Server domain that you had previously added with the following JSON file: omc_weblogic_domain.json.

Run the following command to delete this WebLogic Server domain:

<AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_inst/bin/omcli delete_entity agent omc_weblogic_domain.json


Cascading deletion is not supported. The JSON input for the delete command must include all entities and their sub-entities to be deleted.