Apache HTTP Server

Table 1-2 Supported Configuration Metrics for Apache HTTP Server

Metric Group Name Unit Default Collection Frequency Description
Virtual Hosts IP Address NA 1 Day IP address of the Virtual Host
Virtual Hosts Port NA 1 Day Port of the Virtual Host
Virtual Hosts Server Name NA 1 Day Server Name of the Virtual Host
Virtual Hosts Server Type NA 1 Day Server Type of the Virtual Host
Listen Addresses IP Address NA 1 Day IP address of the Listening Server
Listen Addresses Port NA 1 Day Port of the Listening Server
Listen Addresses Protocol NA 1 Day Connection protocol for the Listening Server
Configuration Overview Maximum Clients NA 1 Day Maximum number of server processes allowed to run at one time
Configuration Overview Maximum Requests Per Child NA 1 Day Total number of requests each child server process serves before the child dies
Configuration Overview Maximum Spare Servers NA 1 Day Maximum number of Spare Server Processes
Configuration Overview Minimum Spare Servers NA 1 Day Minimum number of Spare Server Processes
Configuration Overview Start Servers NA 1 Day Number of server processes created upon startup
Configuration Overview Timeout sec 1 Day Amount of time the server waits for receipts and transmissions during communications
Configuration Overview Listen Backlog NA 1 Day Maximum length of the queue of pending connection
Configuration Overview Keep Alive NA 1 Day Indicates if server allows more than one request per connection (ON) or not (OFF)
Configuration Overview Maximum Keep Alive Requests NA 1 Day Maximum number of requests allowed per persistent connection
Configuration Overview Keep Alive Timeout sec 1 Day Wait time for the server after serving a request
Configuration Overview SSL Session Cache Timeout sec 1 Day Timeout for the information stored in the global/inter-process SSL Session Cache
Configuration Overview Hostname Lookups NA 1 Day Indicates whether DNS Lookups are enabled on client IP address (ON) or not (OFF)
Configuration Overview Log Level NA 1 Day Level Detail of the Error Logs ( emerg, alert, crit, error, warn, notice, info or debug )

Table 1-3 Supported Configuration Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Name Unit Description
Resource Allocation Total CPUs N/A Total number of CPUs allocated or available to the entity
Resource Allocation Total Memory GB Total amount of usable Physical RAM allocated or available to the entity

Table 1-4 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Apache HTTP Server

Metric Group Category Name Unit Default Collection Frequency Description
Performance Overview Load Data Served Rate KB/sec 5 Min Size of data served per second
Performance Overview Load Busy Workers Utilization % 5 Min Percentage of busy workers
Performance Overview Load Idle Workers NA 5 Min Total number of Idle Workers
Performance Overview Load Busy Workers NA 5 Min Total number of Busy Workers
HTTP Connections Load HTTP Connection Rate conns/sec 5 Min Total number of HTTP Connections per second

Table 1-5 Supported Status and Performance of Web Application Server

Metric Group Category Name Unit Default Collection Frequency Description
Web Requests Load Web Request Processing Time ms 5 Min Average processing time per web request since the last collection
Web Requests Load Web Request Rate ops/min 5 Min Number of web requests per minute since the last collection
Web Application Component Load Open HTTP Sessions NA . Current total number of open http sessions for all the web applications on this web application server.

Table 1-6 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
CPU Utilization CPU Usage sec All CPUs usage during the interval
CPU N/A CPU Utilization % Percentage of CPU that was utilized
CPU N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection
Memory Load Memory Usage GB Memory used in GB
Memory Utilization Memory Utilization % Percentage of memory that is utilized
Memory N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection

Table 1-7 Status and Performance Metrics for Generic Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
Response Availability Status N/A Status of the target