Apache Kafka

There are no Apache Kafka specific configuration metrics supported. All configuration metrics are inherited from parent entities as listed below.

Table 1-8 Supported Configuration Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Name Unit Description
Resource Allocation Total CPUs N/A Total number of CPUs allocated or available to the entity
Resource Allocation Total Memory GB Total amount of usable Physical RAM allocated or available to the entity

Table 1-9 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Apache Kafka

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
Kafka Broker Performance Load Leader Election Rate per sec Rate of electing a leader from in-sync replicas pool
Kafka Broker Performance Load Unclean Leader Election Rate per sec Rate of leader election from out-of-sync replicas pool
Kafka Broker Performance Load Offline Partitions NA Number of partitions without any leader
Kafka Broker Performance Load Active Controllers NA Active Controllers in a cluster
Kafka Broker Performance Load Data In Rate bytes/sec Amount of data passed into Kafka
Kafka Broker Performance Load Data Out Rate bytes/sec Amount of data passed out of Kafka
Kafka Broker Performance Load Messages In Rate msgs/sec Amount of message data passed into Kafka
Kafka Broker Performance Load ISR Expands Rate per sec Rate of in-sync replicas going high
Kafka Broker Performance Load ISR Shrink Rate per sec Rate of in-sync replicas going low
Kafka Broker Performance Load Unreplicated Partitions NA Number of partitions without in-sync replicas
Kafka Broker Performance Load Fetch Follower Response Rate per sec Rate of serving the request by followers
Kafka Broker Performance Load Fetch Request Purgatory Size NA Number of fetch requests waiting to be satisfied
Kafka Broker Performance Load Produce Request Purgatory Size NA Number of produce requests waiting to be satisfied
Kafka Broker Performance Load Follower Delayed Fetch Request Rate per sec Rate of delay in fetching requests due to failure of followers
Kafka Producers Performance (Deprecated) Load Producers Response Rate per sec Rate of serving requests by producer
Kafka Producers Performance (Deprecated) Load Delayed Produce Request Rate per sec Rate of delay in producing requests due to failure of producers
Kafka Consumers Performance (Deprecated) Load Consumers Response Rate per sec Rate of fetching requests by consumers
Kafka Consumers Performance (Deprecated) Load Delayed Fetch Request Rate per sec Rate of delay in fetching requests due to failure of consumers

Table 1-10 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
CPU Utilization CPU Usage sec All CPUs usage during the interval
CPU N/A CPU Utilization % Percentage of CPU that was utilized
CPU N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection
Memory Load Memory Usage GB Memory used in GB
Memory Utilization Memory Utilization % Percentage of memory that is utilized
Memory N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection