PSFT PIA Health Dashboard

This dashboard summarizes the status and health of all PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA) entities for a single PeopleSoft application.

Here’s an example PSFT PIA Health dashboard:

This dashboard summarizes the status and health of all PeopleSoft PIA entities for a single PeopleSoft application.

The following widgets are available on the PSFT PIA Health dashboard:

  • Top PIA Open HTTP Sessions: Identifies the four PeopleSoft PIA entities with the highest number of open HTTP sessions for a single PeopleSoft application.

  • Long Running Web Requests By Processing Time: Identifies the four PeopleSoft PIA entities with the longest web request processing time for a single PeopleSoft application.

  • Top 4 by Web Request Rate: Identifies the four PeopleSoft PIA entities with the highest web request rate for a single PeopleSoft application.

  • Log Trend: Time-based histogram showing the number of log records grouped by severity from all PeopleSoft PIA entities across a single PeopleSoft application.

  • Servlet Errors: Pie chart showing the percentage of log records grouped by module from all PeopleSoft PIA entities across a single PeopleSoft applications.

  • Entities: Lists all PeopleSoft PIA entities associated with a single PeopleSoft application and health summary for each. Changing the page-level time frame has no impact on the data displayed in this widget.