Configure Divider Controls

Use a divider control to separate related content within your form or to create logical breaks in your form's layout. For example, you might want to break up your form into sections or separate a related group of controls from the rest in the form.

To configure a divider control:
  1. From the Advanced Palette, drag the Divider control onto the canvas.
  2. Select the control.
  3. In the Properties pane, select the General tab and edit the properties.
    Field Description


    An internal identifier that you use to identify the control.


    Set this property to hide the control. For example, you might hide a control by default, but configure another control that, when selected, triggers an event that displays the hidden control.


    Allows you to configure events for the control. You can assign actions or If/Then/Else conditions to the control based on a selected event. See Add Dynamic Behavior to Forms.

  4. On the Styling tab, edit the control's styling properties.
    • To specify the color of the divider control, use the Stroke Color property.
    • To specify the width of the divider control, use the Stroke Width property. You can enter standard values such as 0.05in, 0.2em, or 5px.
  5. To try out the control, click Preview.