Configure Static and Dynamic List of Values Fields

Use checklists, radio button or select controls to create static or dynamic list of values in your web form. Static list of values are defined in the control properties. Dynamic list of values are defined from a collection of available attributes or are based on a REST call.

You can configure static and dynamic list of values for checklists, radio buttons and select controls from Option Source in the General tab. In Option Source specify whether the control’s options should come from static values you enter, from a list of values data attribute, or externally from a REST connector created for the application.

To configure static and dynamic list of values (for checklist, radio button and select controls):

  1. From the Basic Palette, drag and drop a checklist, radio button or select control onto the canvas.
  2. Select the control and configure its static list of values on the Properties pane General tab.
    1. Go to Option Source and click Static.
    2. In the Option Names field, enter a label to display for each option.
    3. In the Option Values field, enter an internal value for each option.
    4. Specify a default value from the option values available in the Default Value field.
    5. Select an option in the Autofocus field to make that option the selected option when the form loads.
  3. Optionally, configure dynamic list of values for the checklist, radio button or select control. There are two options to configure dynamic list of values.
    • Specify that the control’s options should come from a list of value data attributes defined in the Data definition pane.

      1. Click From Data.

      2. Select the list of values options source from available attributes in the Options List field.

      3. Specify a default value from the options available in the Default Value field.

      4. Select an option in the Autofocus field to make that option the selected option when the form loads.

    • Specify that the control’s options should come from a REST connector created for the application.

      1. Click Connector.

      2. Specify the connector settings in the Connector, Resource and Operation fields and map response settings. See Work with Connectors.

      3. Select an option in the Autofocus field to make that option the selected option when the form loads.

  4. Click Preview to try out using the control.

Add an Option to a List of Values Field

You can add an option to a list of values field (checklist, radio button, or select) by specifying an action Append Option to it. The new option gets added to already present static or dynamic values in the list of values field.

See Specify Actions.

Configure a control in your form such that you can use it for adding an option to a list of values field. For example, you can configure a button control with an On Click event and use it to add an option to a list of values field.

To add an option to a list of values (LOV) control:

  1. Drag and drop a control, such as a button control, from the Basic Palette onto your form with the LOV control. Change the label and name of the control, for example Add.
  2. Configure the control by specifying an event and defining an action for the event.
    1. Select the control, and scroll down the General tab of the Properties pane until you find Events. Click Add icon to add and define an event.
    2. Select On Click from the drop-down list and then click the editing icon to specify the action for the event.
    3. In the On Click event window, click +Actions to define an action.
    4. Specify the Append Option action to the LOV control. Select the LOV control from the Control Name drop-down list, and then select Append Option from the Action drop-down list.
    5. In the Option Name Type and Option Value Type drop-down lists, select a type, for example Constant.
    6. Enter the value that you want to add to the default options for the LOV control in the Value fields.
    7. Click OK.
  3. Preview the form and see how it works.

    Click Preview. When the form loads, view the options in the LOV field.

    Click the control for which you configured an On Click event, and view the options in the LOV field again. Note that the value you specified in step 2f gets added to the list of values.

Clear All Options From a List of Values Field

You can delete all options from a list of values field (checklist, radio button, or select) by specifying an action Clear Options to it.

See Specify Actions.

Configure a control in your form such that you can use it for clearing all options from a list of values field. For example, you can configure a button control with an On Click event and use it to clear all options from a list of values field.

To delete all options from a list of value (LOV) control:

  1. Drag and drop a control, such as a button control, from the Basic Palette onto your form with the LOV control. Change the name and label of the control, for example Clear.
  2. Configure the control by specifying an event and defining an action for the event.
    1. Select the control, and scroll down the General tab of the Properties pane until you find Events. Click Add icon to add and define an event.
    2. Select On Click from the drop-down list and then click the editing icon to specify the action for the event.
    3. In the On Click event window, click +Actions to define an action.
    4. Specify the Clear Options action to the LOV control. Select the LOV control from the Control Name drop-down list, and then select Clear Options from the Action drop-down list.
    5. Click OK.
  3. Preview the form and see how it works.

    Click Preview. When the form loads, view the options in the LOV field. Now click the control for which you configured an On Click event, and view the LOV field again.

    Notice that the LOV field is empty and all options have been cleared.