Find a Process

There are various options available in the Tracking page using which you can find specific process/processes.

Find a process on the Tracking page:
  • Use the Search field to search for a specific process. You can do a simple search or switch to an advanced search mode by clicking Try business search on top right of the Tracking page. Business search works in the same way in both Tasks and Tracking pages. The only difference is that in the task page it is used for searching specific tasks, while in the Tracking page it is used for searching specific processes. See About Business Search and Search Use Cases.
  • Use the filter options available to display specific processes. See Filter Processes.

You can also sort the process list on the Tracking page by using the various sorting options. See Sort Processes.

Filter Processes

You can filter processes in the Tracking page by using the different process status filters and also by applying advance filters.

Use the Process Status Filters

You can use the process status filter chips available below the Search field to filter and display processes according to their states.

To know more about the different states of structured and dynamic processes, see About Process States.

Filter Description
In progress

Displays all structured and dynamic processes that are in progress.


Displays all structured and dynamic processes that have been completed.


Displays all structured and dynamic processes that are terminated.


Displays all structured and dynamic processes that are suspended.


Displays all structured and dynamic processes that fails to complete due to internal error of the system.

Apply Advanced Filters

Choose More filters to open the Advanced search dialog and apply advanced filters to display specific processes in the process list.

If you're on the default search page, specify the following in the Advanced search dialog:

  1. In the Search applications field, specify the application to which the process belongs.
  2. In the Application version drop-down field, select the version of the application.
  3. In the Select Process drop-down field, select the process.
  4. Click the field to select a user name from the suggested options.
  5. In the State drop-down field, select a state.
  6. In the Period drop-down field, select the time period:
    • Past week
    • Past month
    • Past year
    • Custom
  7. Click Filter.

    The process/processes that meet the criteria you defined in the Advanced search dialog is displayed in the search results. The applied filters are also displayed as filter chips below the Search field.

If you're on the business search page where search based on business data is enabled, then you can use various operators for each of the Filter by fields to do a more accurate search for those fields. Additionally, you can also filter the search using the configured searchable fields that you defined in design-time. You can add as many filters as you want using configured searchable fields by clicking the Add filter option.

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Description of the illustration advanced-search-tracking.png

Sort Processes

You can sort the process list on the Tracking page by using the different sorting options available.

Click the Sort order Sort order icon to sort the task list in ascending or descending order. You can click the field next to the Sort order icon and select any of the sort by options available from the drop-down list.

Sort By Description
Created On Sort the processes based on their date of creation
Application Name Sort the processes based on the name of their application.
Created By Sort the processes based on their creator.
Process Title Sort the processes based on their title.