Accessing the Changes Dashboard

The Changes dashboard is available at both Customer and Service Level, and can be accessed as explained below:

Accessing the Changes Dashboard at Customer Level

Use the Changes menu at Customer Level to see reports of change requests across all services and environments for all your services. To access the Changes dashboard at Customer Level:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Click Changes in the navigation menu, under Support.

    The Changes Dashboard page opens.

Accessing the Changes Dashboard at Service Level

Use the Changes menu at Service Level to see reports of change requests for the selected service. To access the Changes dashboard at Service Level:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Open the navigation menu and select the service you want to access.

    The Availability Dashboard page at Service level opens.

  3. Click Changes in the service navigation menu.

    The Changes Dashboard page opens.

Accessing Change Request Information for Environments

Use the Changes menu to see reports of change requests for the selected environment. To access change request information for an environment:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Follow the steps in Accessing the Changes Dashboard at Service Level to access change request data for the selected service.

  3. Click the List view icon (List View Icon).

    By default, data is shown for all the environments associated with the selected service.

  4. Click the environment filter (Filter Icon), then select the Individual Environment option.

  5. Select an environment from the drop-down list to see the relevant information for the environment of your focus.