Business Insight Metrics

The Business Insight functionality in Oracle Pulse uses two categories of metrics:

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) metrics provide high-level insight into a critical business measurement, such as inventory levels or accounts status. KPI metrics can be tracked visually via a Business Insight chart. In addition, thresholds and alerting can be configured for these KPI charts, assisting proactive tracking.

  • Detailed metrics are metrics associated with the KPI metric which provide further insight into any issues identified in the KPI chart. These metrics are visible via the table view. For example, if the KPI chart indicates that the percentage of accounts with the Open status is too high ahead of your Period-Close event, the table view can provide complementary data highlighting the name of the accounts, which geographical region they belong to, or who is a contact point in that region. Together, the KPI chart and the table view facilitate you in proactively tracking your key business objectives, and provide you with further insight to interpret the KPI measurements and to take data-driven action.

The Business Insight widget on the Pulse Dashboard provides a high-level summary view of provisioned Business Insight reports. For more information, see the Business Insight Widget section in Checking the Performance of Your Services.

The Business Insight dashboard summarizes information about the metrics that you requested to include in your Business Insight report, allowing you to monitor your metrics of interest. For more information, see the Monitoring Business Insight Metrics section in Using the Business Insight Reports.