Host and Database Metrics

Host and database metrics are tracked in Oracle Pulse using information drawn from Oracle® Enterprise Manager. Available at Customer Level, these metrics allow you to see the load on different hosts and databases at a particular point in time.

The host metrics table on the Performance dashboard at Customer Level allows you to check:

  • the average number of jobs waiting for I/O in the last interval

  • the amount of CPU being used in SYSTEM mode as a percentage of the total CPU processing power or the percentage of time the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode

  • the amount of CPU being used in USER mode as a percentage of the total CPU processing power or the percentage of time the processor spends in USER mode

  • the amount of CPU utilization as a percentage of the total CPU processing power available or the percentage of time the CPU spends to execute a non-idle thread

  • the amount of used memory as a percentage of the total memory

  • the number of pages paged in (read from disk to resolve fault memory references) per second or the rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults

  • the number of pages written out (per second) by the virtual memory manager or the rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory

  • the average number of processes in memory and subject to be run in the last interval

  • the percentage of swapped memory in use for the last interval or the percentage of page file environment used

  • the total number of processes currently running on the system

For more information, see the Using Host Metrics section in Using the Performance Reports.

The database metrics table on the Performance dashboard at Customer Level allows you to check:

  • the current number of logons

  • the average time that the current request (CR) block was received, measured in 100ths of a second

  • the total number of bytes sent and received through the SQL Net layer to and from the database

  • the number of data blocks written to the disk per second during this sample period

  • the utilization of the process resource against the values (percentage) specified by the threshold arguments

  • the utilization of the session resource against the values (percentage) specified by the threshold arguments

  • the number of logical reads per second during the sample period

  • the total amount of memory used, in MB

For more information, see the Using Database Metrics section in Using the Performance Reports.