Enable Communication Between Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instances

The default access rules in an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance only permit communication between Managed Server VMs and the database, and between Managed Server VMs and the load balancer (if enabled). Use custom access rules to enable communication between the Managed Servers of different service instances.

The architecture of a business application may span multiple tiers, where each application tier is a separate Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance. Similarly, certain integration features of Oracle WebLogic Server enable applications to easily communicate across multiple domains, such as Foreign JNDI Providers and Foreign JMS Servers. In these scenarios, you must use access rules to explicitly permit network communication between service instances.

Identify the host names of the VMs in your first service instance. The host names typically use the format domainName-wls-number.

For example, if your domain name is myjcs1 and this domain consists of 3 VMs, the VM host names would typically be:

  • myjcs1–wls-1

  • myjcs1–wls-2

  • myjcs1–wls-3

You can also refer to the Instance Overview page in the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console. Locate the Host property of each VM.

Before you begin, use an SSH client to connect to the Administration Server VM of the first service instance. See Connect to the Administration Server or Load Balancer VM.

  1. From your SSH session on the Administration Server, use the nslookup command to identify the corresponding IP address of each host name.

    For example:

    nslookup myjcs1-wls-2
    Name:   myjcs1-wls-2.compute-myaccount.oraclecloud.internal
  2. In the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console, click menu icon adjacent to your second service instance and select Access Rules.
    The Access Rules page is displayed, showing the list of all access rules.
  3. Click Create Rule.
    The Create Access Rule dialog is displayed.
  4. Specify a unique Rule Name, such as myjcs1–to-myjcs2.
  5. For Source, select the custom option. Enter a comma-separated list of the IP addresses for the first service instance.

    For example:,,

  6. Select WLS_MANAGED_SERVER for the Destination.
  7. Specify 8001 as the Destination Port.


    If you customized your Managed Servers to listen on additional ports, you can specify them as a comma-separated list such as 8001,9001.
  8. Accept the default Protocol (TCP).
  9. Click Create.