Enable HTTP Access to an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance

If you create an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance by using the web console rather than the REST API, HTTPS access is enabled by default but HTTP access is disabled. You can enable HTTP access on the load balancer after you have created the service instance.

These instructions assume a load balancer has been enabled in your service instance. If there is no load balancer, you must instead create a network channel on all Managed Servers in your Oracle WebLogic Server domain. Refer to "Configuring Network Resources" in Administering Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server ( | | | 12.1.3).

By default the load balancer in your service instance listens for HTTP traffic on port 8080. However, the load balancer VM automatically redirects incoming traffic on port 80 to port 8080.


Enable the HTTP Port on the Load Balancer

You must enable a port on the load balancer (Oracle Traffic Director) to accept HTTP traffic from the public Internet to your Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance.

Access to the Load Balancer Console is disabled by default. To enable the HTTP port on the load balancer:

  1. In the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console, click menu icon for the desired service instance and select Open Load Balancer Console. Log in using the credentials defined when provisioning your service instance.

    If you created your service instance using the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console, the user name and password default to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console user name and password.

    Access the load balancer configuration (for example, opc-config) and click the Target Navigation icon Target Navigation icon. Expand the Traffic Director folder and click the name of the Traffic Director configuration.

  2. Navigate to the Listeners in this configuration and click Traffic Director Configuration and select Administration > Listeners.
  3. Click http-listener-1.
  4. Select the Enabled checkbox.
  5. Click OK.
  6. click OK to activate your changes.

The next task is to create an access rule for the port on the load balancer.

Create an Access Rule for the HTTP Port

You must create an access rule to allow public access to the load balancer (Oracle Traffic Director) through the HTTP port.

If you provisioned this service instance in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region, instead you must use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to create the access rules (security list). See Configure Security Lists and Security Lists in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services Documentation.

  1. In the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console, click menu icon for the desired service instance and select Access Rules.

    The Access Rules page is displayed, showing the list of all access rules.

  2. Click Create Rule.
    The Create Access Rule dialog is displayed.
  3. Specify a unique name for the access rule.

    The name must begin with a letter, and can contain numbers, hyphens, or underscores. The length cannot exceed 50 characters. You cannot use prefixes ora_ or sys_.

  4. Enter Permit public http to OTD server for the description.
  5. Select PUBLIC-INTERNET for the source.
  6. Select OTD for the destination.
  7. Enter 80 as the port and accept the default protocol (TCP).
  8. Click Create.
  9. Refresh the page periodically. The access rule will appear on the Access Rules table after it is created.

You can now access your application by using the default HTTP port:
