View and Edit Data in a Form-over-Table Layout

Viewing and editing data in a Form-over-Table layout is similar in many ways to viewing and editing data in a Table layout.

For example, you use the Download Data button to download data from the Form-over-Table layout’s business objects. Much like Table layouts, you may be prompted to do a search at the beginning of a download. Unlike a Table layout, however, the Form-over-Table displays the first row found from the search, plus all the children of that first parent row.

In some cases, you may be able to update the form fields in a Form-over-Table. The add-in performs data entry validation when you create a form row or update a field. Ensure that you fix any data entry errors before you attempt to upload your changes.

For a form field configured to use a list of values, the behavior is the same as described for the Table layout. That is, a search-and-select window appears when you select the form field. Read-only form fields cannot be edited (see Understanding Read-Only Behavior).

When you are ready to upload the changes you made, click Upload Changes. Once the upload is complete, review the notifications in the Status Viewer to see if any operations failed. For more information about error messages and troubleshooting, see Upload Changes to the Web Application.