Upgrade to the Latest Version

To take advantage of all the latest Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel features, make sure you are running an up-to-date version of the add-in. To upgrade to a new version, simply download and run the installer.

When a new version is available, the add-in automatically prompts you to upgrade. You can also manually check for a new version from the Advanced menu. See Check for Updates.

For recommendations on when you should upgrade, check the Upgrade Policy.

You do not need to uninstall the previous version unless the installer instructs you to do so.

If you want to upgrade from one installation type to the other, uninstall the existing instance of the add-in first.

To determine which type of installation you have, run a diagnostic report and check the "Code Base" property under Properties. If the path is under the current user profile, the add-in was installed using the Current User installer. If the path is under Program Files, the add-in was installed using the All Users installer.

To run the diagnostic report, select Diagnostic Report from the Advanced menu on the Oracle Visual Builder ribbon.

To ensure a clean upgrade, follow these instructions when upgrading your installation.

  1. Before you upgrade the add-in:
    1. Upload any pending changes using the current add-in version.
    2. Save changes in open workbooks, then close Excel.
  2. Run the installer for the new version and follow the instructions in the wizard. The installer automatically replaces the previous version with the new version.
  3. After you upgrade:
    1. Launch Excel to complete any final installation steps.
    2. Open your integrated workbook.
    3. Clear any layouts of old data and download data again as required.