Migrate to Docker

If you've created one or more VM executors and want to use Docker executors to run builds, you can migrate those VM executors to Docker.

You can choose to run builds for your organization on either VM executors or on Docker executors; you can't choose both. If the builds in your organization are already running on VM executors, you can migrate to Docker, and all builds in your organization going forward will use Docker executors.

When you perform a Docker migration, all of your VM executors are destroyed and recreated in Docker as images, separate from deployment VMs. If you want to revert back to VM executors, you will perform a reset that destroys all the Docker images and deployment VMs. You will then have to recreate your VM executors manually, so be sure to capture the details of your current VM executors before performing a migration in case you need to reset and go back.


If you have VM executors that specify different custom VCNs, you must capture the details of all of the custom VCNs before migrating to Docker. The migration dialog will only let you choose one VCN, and you will need to recreate the deployment VMs with the details of your other custom VCNs.
  1. If you're using the free VM build executor or are connected to the OCI free tier account, configure VB Studio to connect to your OCI account.
  2. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  3. Click the Build Executors tab.
  4. Capture details for your current VM executors in case you want to revert back from Docker executors to VM executors.
    1. To capture ID, template, and shape information, copy the contents of the Build Executors table and paste to a text file.
    2. To capture the contents of the Details column, click Show machine details Details for each VM executor, copy the VM Build Executor Configuration details, and paste to a text file.
  5. Click Migrate to Docker.
  6. In the Do you want us to re-create your VM executors as Docker images dialog, enter the required details.
    1. In Number of VMs, specify the number of Docker deployment VMs you want to create.
      The number you specify doesn't include the Docker Management VM. For example, if you specify 4 in Number of VMs, VB Studio will create five VMs: four Docker deployment VMs and one Docker Management VM.
    2. In Executors created per VM, enter the number of Docker executors you want in each Docker deployment VM.
    3. In Region, select the region that's closer to you geographically.
      The drop-down list displays regions your OCI account is subscribed to.
    4. In Shape, select the Docker deployment VM's shape.

      As this is your first Docker deployment VM, the Docker Management VM is also created with the same shape. For the image management VM's optimum performance, select a shape with at least 2 OCPUs and 16 GB memory.

      Wait for a few seconds. VB Studio calculates the number of Compute VM instances that can be created with the selected shape and displays it in the dialog box. If the required number of Compute VM instances aren't available, choose another shape.
    5. In Volume, specify the storage capacity for each Docker deployment VM.
    6. If you've selected a Flex shape, then in Number of OCPUs, specify the number of OCPUs to add in each Docker deployment VM.
    7. If you've selected a Flex shape, then in Amount of Memory, specify each Docker deployment VM's memory.
  7. For VCN Select, choose Default or Custom.
    • If you chose Default, click Migrate. You are finished with this task.
    • If you chose Custom, continue to the next step.
  8. Fill out the additional details for the custom VCN:
    1. VCN Compartment: Select the compartment.
      If you're an Oracle Cloud OS Management Service (OSMS) user, don't select the OSMS compartment or a compartment with an OSMS policy.
    2. VCN: Select the VCN.
    3. Subnets Compartments: Select the compartments where your public subnets are. By default, it adds your VCN's compartment. If required, you can add more compartments.
    4. Subnets: Select a subnet. The list shows public subnets only.
      You can add multiple public subnets. If VB Studio can't create a Docker executor on the first subnet you've added, it tries to create it on the second subnet, and so on.
  9. Click Validate Network Setup.
  10. Click Migrate.