Edit a Backend

You can edit a backend that you created in your extension and modify it.

To edit and customize a backend service:

  1. Open the Backends tab from the Services tab in the Navigator.
  2. Select the backend you want to modify, then click the Servers tab:
  3. Click the Edit icon Edit iconto display the Edit Server dialog:This image shows the backend server's details that can be edited.You can modify the part of the instance URL that isn't grayed out, use the +Header button to add static headers, or click the Override security icon and select a different authentication mechanism. Press the Save button, at the bottom, after you are satisfied with your changes. Modify the backend server details. These options are the same as those you configure when you define a service connection:
    • In Server Identification, under Instance URL, change the modifiable portion (the part that isn't grayed out) of the instance URL or the description.

    • In Headers, under Custom Headers, use + Add Header to add static headers that are passed from the browser to the service (for example, a REST-Framework-Version header).

    • In Security, under Authentication for logged-in users, click Override security Override security to select a different authentication mechanism.

  4. Click Save when you're done making changes.
  5. Click the Source tab to view the contents of the services/self/catalog.json at the extension level. Edit the file if needed.

    You can also access this file under services in the Navigator's Source View tab.